Last Oasis

Last Oasis Dev Tracker

18 Jan

    Spirit on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Nomads!
We’ve recently wrapped up our second Season 6 test and are excited to share our thoughts with you. Season 6 has been our most collaborative season yet, bringing both great opportunities and unique challenges. We deeply appreciate everyone who has taken the time to test, provide feedback, and adapt as we navigate the bumps along the way.

Our Vision for Season 6
In our last post, we said that S6 would be a return to the PvP roots of Last Oasis. our aim is to capture the spirit of what made the game special while moving it forward. To us, forward means improving the games accessibility while keeping the core.

We want to share a personal anecdote from our time playing that demonstrates the gameplay we’re trying to achieve. Our clan was debating between jumping into a proxy fight, trying to loot an asteroid event, or contesti... Read more

06 Sep

    Misper on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There's actually a lot more PVE content going into S6 like new treasure maps, New walker vs Large Monsters and brand new/reworked camps. We're letting private servers handle anyone that wants to create PVE only tiles since it would essentially be the same thing.
    Misper on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
S6 should hopefully be similar to your S1 experience but we tried some large changes to pvp to hopefully make it a lot more fun.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Misper on Steam - Thread - Direct
We’re excited to announce that we’re opening applications to participate in testing for Season 6 of Last Oasis. Nearly every part of the game has been modified in some way, and we want to approach testing in a different way than we ever have before. We’ve already begun internal testing, but as you all know that can only get us so far. Our plan is to have some phases of invite-only testing to test balance and gameplay at a larger scale, before eventually having a Beta Branch which will be open to the whole community. If you are interested in participating in testing, please complete the application below.

https://f... Read more

24 May

    Spirit on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Nomads!
It’s been an exciting few months for us with the release of the Last Oasis Modkit and Bellwright. We’ve been thrilled to see the incredible creations from our talented community using the modkit.
Bryan has been diligently improving the modkit to provide you with the tools needed to create your desired experiences. To support this, we’ve decided to merge all current S6 changes into the Modkit branch. While these changes might break some mods, we believe it’s better to address these issues now rather than later.
Please note that these changes are a work in progress. They don’t represent the final state of S6 and many are still prototypes. However, they aim to address significant issues from S5 and offer a better foundation for modding.
Here are some of the key changes:
  • Walker Cap: Each walker has a specific amount of "walker power." The total max walker power on each tile can be 100, 200, or 300 based on the clan cap. Walker...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

16 Apr

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    pogosan on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, Nomads!
It has been some time since we last gave an update, but today, we are thrilled to unveil the release of our long-awaited Modkit! This opens up a world of possibilities, allowing for complete customization within Last Oasis. With access to these powerful tools, players will have the ability to craft experiences tailored to their wildest imaginations. From tweaking all game mechanics to creating entirely new items, weapons and creatures, the Modkit empowers you to shape the game how you want it.

Key Features of the Modkit:
  • Modding capabilities that enable extensive customization.
  • Tools and resources for crafting unique gameplay experiences.
  • Play in editor to test new features locally.
  • Documentation and support channels to assist players with any troubleshooting.
  • ...
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14 Sep

    pogosan on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings Nomads,

We want to give you an update on the project status and what you can expect coming on the horizon.
Our main priority in Last Oasis development right now is adding full modding support that will allow creators to modify all existing features and maps, adding new content as well as completely new features using Unreal Engine Blueprint scripting. We believe that this is a necessary step to unleash the full potential of LO and allow every nomad to find or create the experience they are looking for in our game.

Related to the news above, we are happy to announce that the author of “LO Classic” mod BryanTheHacker has joined our team. With his experience in modding Last Oasis you can be sure that our tools will provide all the freedom that modders will need to implement their ideas.

As for the status of official servers - active development and preparation for Season 6 will continue with the release of modding... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

23 Nov

    pogosan on Steam - Thread - Direct
A little later than we planned, due to some final touches that we wanted to do in order to bring this update to a properly final state and try to avoid multiple hotfixes, learning from the previous experience with the packing update. You can consider this few days delay as a better reassurance that we won't need them (or, hopefully, not that many, at least).

Get ready to enter the mysterious city of the forgotten civilization!

Welcome to the Ancient City!
The Ancient City is an oasis that contains the decaying remains of an ancient civilization. Little is known about who or what lived here, or, even, how long ago, but clues litter the landscape for Nomads to find. It is said that intrepid explorers, brave enough to explore the Ancient City, stand to find untold riches, while the Flotillan Historic Society will gladly accept new members, who help them research the ancient technology with a member-only benefit of an access to their Schematics Store at each Tradin... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

10 Nov

    pogosan on Steam - Thread - Direct
Discovered: An Ancient City
Early next week, we will introduce the Ancient City back into the game. It will be an event map that spawns in both PvP and PvE form, with only rarity available on the PvP version. Next week with the release we’ll have a full post that lays out the new experiences available on the Ancient City, as well as the brand new gameplay mechanics.

Today we’ll introduce another small packing update which should improve unpacking and resolve all the known issues. We’ll monitor over the weekend and then begin burning additional tiles when we patch Ancient City.

  • Improved unpacking checks to finish with the packing for good and start burning tiles.
  • Fixed all the remaining known issues with packing.

We’ve been promising a Q&A for a while. Originally it was in regards to the planned PvP update, but since we’ve talked about several other things since then, we figur... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

28 Oct

    pogosan on Steam - Thread - Direct
Okay, so it wasn’t the last Packing update
There was a bug related to unpacking and we decided to tackle that and finish out the last “Anti-Griefing” mechanic for unpacking. That’s the patch for today. In addition, we’ll be disabling base decaying while packed until we’re sure you can unpack in all cases. After that, we'll also start burning some of the tiles to condense the World Map for the current population.

We added what we’re calling the Clearance Phase. For the first 30s of unpacking, the structure checks to see if the area is valid. After 30s, all collisions are enabled at once and packing won’t be canceled by attempting to make the area invalid afterwards. This means that on a PvE map, after 30s a player cannot disable/pause your unpacking simply by standing in the area.

Changelog this time is not so big, as most of the changes we're working on are for the unreleased maps and updates, but they should have a pretty big impact nonetheless (at least the... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

20 Oct

    pogosan on Steam - Thread - Direct
Final Packing Iteration
Today we’ll go over the patch and then a few updates on each of the major lines of effort and where we stand on them. The patch today is, mainly, focused on fixes and tweaks to Sleeping Giants and, most of all, closing out all of the packing bugs and improvements. There is one more feature we want to add that should prevent anyone using packing from getting griefed while trying to unpack on PvE tiles specifically, but will work on all tiles with the same rules and intention. Unfortunately, that will come a bit later in a separate patch, but we'll try to add it as soon as possible, without waiting for any large patch to include it, so expect one to come soon.

Otherwise, the patch today focuses on continuing to improve the Sleeping Giants experience, through fixes, and implementing new features, or tweaking existing features in new ways. The main feature we've been working on, though, is packing. Since its release we've received quite a few reports ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.