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WR is getting a Shadow Isles event for Kalista and Viego's release, with a visual novel and a small PvE mode to tell their lore and give out a small amount of rewards.

That's what an actual event looks like. What we get on LoL is possibly the worst battlepass of any other major live service game, whose rewards get nerfed with every new iteration and that exists solely promote skin sales.

Why have we come to accept this? Why are we fine with our yearly non-cosmetic content being just a few new characters and maybe a new game mode?

Lately I've found myself playing more and more TFT because at least sets freshen up the game experience. LoL feels like a husk of its former self, a dead shell that's been carved in to set up a skin shop.

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11 months ago - /u/Riot_Mort - Direct link

Originally posted by Avantel

And basically no one played it

Everyone played it. It was played a ton. They just didn't KEEP playing it...