League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker


Originally posted by Th3_70ck

>If the team has no junglers, this rule is disabled

No smite lane swap meta?

I know you are memeing but this rule is for low level games where they duo top


An addition to this I forgot to mention: * There will be very clear messaging if you're identified as lane swapping. "Lane swap detected: please leave the area!", we might have cooked with how noisy it is * We considered referees enforcing it but what if you have a failed invade top side then Keria walks slightly too close to top on his way out, does the ref pause the game and threaten a yellow card - "don't take one more step or it's a violation!". The more we thought about all the edge cases and needing to define them the more impractical it became, as amusing as it'd be to watch



Mind messaging me your username so I can look into it?

20 Feb


Here's a good resource to start with on general principles: https://youtu.be/-pglxege-gU?si=-E5Xl8mCMTFdFDiU&t=0

I've posted comments on how League matchmaking works in the past, mostly in the 2023 timeframe if you look through my comment history. This is a reasonable summary


"If I knew a champion was nerfed in this modes, I wouldn't play them"

This is one of the reasons right here. Champions that are nerfed in these modes tend to be strong, not weak.

If you read "Ziggs does 10% less damage" the reaction is to not pick him because he's "bad". The reality is that he is still very powerful.

Understand the pain point in regards to wanting a source of truth, but showing nerfs/buffs in champ select could often mislead players who care about power into picking the opposite of what they're looking for.

19 Feb


Originally posted by [deleted]


You got to level 35 in 4 days?! That's insanely fast progress.

18 Feb


I'm guessing patch 11.22 had a lot to do with it. She still didn't get picked for a while after, but that patch made her significantly more consistent in executing her combos. Sometimes it can take a while for changes like that to catch on, especially on a champion who had been considered weak in pro for years.

17 Feb


Originally posted by Then_Debate4763

Thanks for the insights ! So it was completely random to have 9 emerald in this game and the next ? Interesting

I'd say it's significantly more likely, because you're in low diamond skill level and that's where a lot of people at the top of new smurf accounts and people who are resetting out of diamond in the early parts of the season go


Originally posted by Then_Debate4763

Hi, enough to move 500+ lp mmr from one game to the next ? I lost about 90 lp in 6 games. If that’s the intended way for mmr to work I’m genuinely concerned about the state of the game. If I win 6 in a row I should play with 200 lp masters do you think ?

the emeralds look like they're actually diamond players, so since you're the only one in the lobby whose mmr is stable it looks like you're playing with emeralds, but they're actually diamonds like you. They just haven't played enough games yet


Originally posted by Then_Debate4763

just took a quick look on opgg. doesn't seem to be anything particularly wrong. the plats are obviously smurfs and most of the emeralds seem to be ex-diamonds who haven't played enough games yet for their visual rank to stabilize. you also lost a ton in a row, so you probably lost a lot of rating


Something is weird here. By this point bounty deprecation should be affecting K’Sante and even though two of Vi’s kills are low value (0-1 and 0-2 Rell) she should have accrued enough by this point.

I’ll try to investigate.

14 Feb


I think it's more that this page in the client loads FASTER than the end of game lobby.

12 Feb


I really like Vladimir. Bloodman who steals blood and uses it to meak orb. To hold. Good guy, too.


Congratulations! I searched "League of Legends" on Okcupid to find my partner of 8 years primarily due to me playing over 2 hours a day every day. (Plus of course, needing someone who shared my addiction love for the game.)

09 Feb

08 Feb


I see you've played a lot of Jinx, Jhin, and Zeri :3

Congrats on challenger! Glad you've been enjoying the game for so long :D (now how do I hit high elo as an AD Yuumi main).

07 Feb


There's a bug with her spell recommendations logic where w max is being suggested 2nd that is tanking her winrate badly.

She also has a bit of a mastery curve, while also having a decent play against curve so it'll go up over time

We're monitoring how her frustration plays out and not overreacting for now, but have been testing a few changelist internally


Originally posted by mwrcelow

u/RiotMeddler please tell us more about where is dumpling darling seraphine... it's very frustrating for us players who bought RP and were waiting for the release.

Apologies there, we ran into a major last minute problem. That is being worked on, and the skin should still be coming with some adjustments to correct the issue. We'll share an update on when as soon as we've got that figured out