League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker



Originally posted by cjmaddux

It is the lack of a repeating mission for me. Like, I am an ARAM and TFT only player. I have played 4 hours or so a night since the new pass started and I am at level 7. The pass is not worth at all without a "time played" repeating mission.

It's there right now, just under Act category.


Originally posted by ElKingPT

Not yet, most are at 3 or 4 out of 5 steps. Yet the mastery ones are what bore me, forcing me to get S with champions I dont enjoy that much.

Guess I could blame doing aram, since it was what i played the most before swiftplay

You didn't like trying to get A/S grades on champs in ARAM? That feels like peak ARAM goal setting to me, personally.

15 Jan


Originally posted by Neblinio

Looks like the hex-gates traveling mission is still bugged. At least in Coop vs. AI mode. I just played a game on Hextech Rift, and made sure to travel 5-6 times using the gates. After the game ended, my progress in that mission still sits at 0.

Thanks for the report, helped me track this one down. Originally I thought it was part of the Swiftplay bug, but it was separate and specific to the Hextech Rift Hexgates.

This sadly won't get fixed before 15.2, but I can confirm that the ARAM Hexgates DO work for the mission in 15.1, if you've still been stuck on it.


Originally posted by zelkat13

I tried with the weekly mission of playing with a main rune of Inspiration in quickplay but it didn't count, I played later with another set of Inspiration runes at ARAM, and that one did count for the mission.
I'm unsure if the daily mission was counted with the quickplay match or it was counted with the ARAM one later.

Thanks for the context! I'm glad it worked in the ARAM game. Do you know specifically which keystone rune within Inspiration you used for both the Swiftplay and ARAM game? Was it the same or different?


Originally posted by Infusion1999

Didn't work for me either an hour ago

Hi there - since I'm not sure if your comments were before or after the Swiftplay patch, were you able to make progress on the Inspiration keystone mission in the last three days?


Originally posted by zelkat13

I can safely say that quickplay is still bugged and the missions don't count for that mode

Can I ask for more details? Which specific missions weren't working for you yesterday?


Originally posted by segfault_in_my_head

Hi u/RiotGraydiance, any update on this fix?

Checked the ticket for this - it should be fixed as of yesterday.


Originally posted by BestSmnAU

You can't value a capsue at 3000 Blue essence when the capsule only decreases the cost of said 3000BE champion slyghtly, hence it is NOT worth the full 3000BE.

Agreed, that's a miscalculation. We're actually increasing pass BE values.

Link for details


Originally posted by Tuxiak

There is a lot of popups to click through when you play often, but I'm 100% sure there's a bug right now that shows old pop-ups. I've had to click through around 60~ of these, and then again after I restarted the client.
It also showed me I got chat suspended but it was from an old game and I didn't get suspension.

If you can, DM me your account details and I can have a team take a look. (Assuming this was recent)

Also, pls no password, just Riot ID and region :)


There's 5 new missions every week and throughout the Act we'll also be dropping missions that support sub-events like Lunar New Year or April Fools.

That, in addition to Mastery based objectives and the Daily every day means there's plenty of ways to earn BXP.

Did you finish all your Act missions already?


Technical limitation. Not a reason I’m happy about, but something that may be able to be resolved. I’ll inquire today what this would look like.


Damn, we should paginate these if it’s happening this often in succession.


Originally posted by NinetalesLoL

Thanks for the clarification!

No problem!


Originally posted by NinetalesLoL

u/phroxz0n, is it first to 3 individual kills or 3 in-general kills? Like do i need to kill mid bot and support, or can i just kill the adc 3 times?

Three of any kills.


Originally posted by MagoNegro69

Thank you very much for the detailed and insightful answer was genuinely curious

No problem!


It's Luden's. Luden's proc damage is dealt by a missile which has a short delay (even for the primary target) before the missile is fired + damage is dealt. As such, Luden's deals its damage with a short delay, which varies based on the number of targets being hit (slightly larger delay for fewer targets so that the missiles don't overlap).

I think the part that makes this hard to interpret in spectator is that we cull or minimize some fx in spectator for clarity purposes (and in fact many vfx are slightly different for allies/enemies/self/spectator in-game for a variety of reasons, including clarity). Luden's, I believe, is one of the items that has reduced (or maybe culled?) vfx in spectator because there's not normally much value in spectators having precise information of when exactly Luden's is damaging a target.

Luden's does also have some logic to determine if the hit vfx should play if the target dies while the missile is in-flight, which might ha...

Read more

14 Jan


Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

I feel like this launch patch was a lot buggier than last years. I've noticed some years first patches are very few bugs and others are chock-full.

Is there any specific reason?

Big patch, many changes


Originally posted by Coolkipp

Can we fix lissandra ult not refunding mana when it cancels due to the enemy going untargetable?


Also lissandra q has a chance to go off angle to the direction your cursor is in. I can provide video evidence if necessary.

Also when lissandra TPS and uses q it will go a the wrong direction based on where you're tping to on the map.

Sure, Liss ult not refunding mana if it fails is fixed in 15.2.

The other bugs are a little more complicated but I can pass them along


Originally posted by Sumpex

Already submitted a bug report for this but you never know if it gets noticed, is there a bug fix for axiom arcanist not working with karma rq coming or is it intentional that only rq does not work with it?

Will hopefully fix a bunch of the Axiom bugs in the next few patches. Karma RQ is highest priority.


Originally posted by MirrowFox

Also can we look on ahri's passive sometimes not healing her if she's on stasis or stunned?

Also if she gets a reset while she's dashing 2 ults are wasted and only one of them does dmg

Havent heard of either, if you have clips thatd be helpful