League of Legends

League of Legends Dev Tracker



Originally posted by KingZorat

I'm an avid poker and rummy player, so this game is really in my wheelhouse of what I like. But unfortunately my PC crashes after playing for more than 10 min at a time.

Out of fear for it happening again, and potentially doing more permanent damage, I think I won't open the game again.

We're working on a low performance mode setting, should reduce memory and GPU load. Soon as this coming we'll.

22 Mar


Originally posted by fsck_

The lack of discussing advertising and fan outreach seems so jarring. They see the lack of viewers for game 1 and 2 and don't think it's also because few people know when these games are? Even as a core viewer I wish I was notified of schedules, notified of game starts, and see more outreach.

Hey there, I work on the broadcast team and your feedback about wanting outreach is something we see echoed quite a lot. We definitely want people to be watching the shows, and know that people need to know when and where to watch in order to do that.

You mention that even as a core viewer you still felt out of the loop. If you don't mind me asking, I'd love to know where you would want to see that kind of information? We try to cover as many platforms that we know fans are using, but if people are still missing them then we want to make sure we're in the right places.

21 Mar


Hey all, unfortunately this doesn't mean Swarm is coming back anytime soon - these showing up is unintentional. If/when Swarm makes a return we'll be sure to give you all a proper heads up


FYI there was a bug with the sound that should now be fixed. Enjoy the metallic thunks you were promised.


Originally posted by Vencrest

u/RiotGraydiance I've never played any of The Demon's Hand's inspirations but am having a blast so far! The team cooked hard on this mini-game.

Question for you: I just beat Story mode using the Reckoning sigil, which got up to +65 damage at one point. I saw Phroxzon said that you can rearrange sigils, so I was messing around with the ordering and moved Reckoning to a different slot. The next battle though, it had reset to +25 damage. After the battle, I tested it by re-ordering Reckoning to different slots, and sure enough the value changed each time.

Is that intended or a bug? Unless I'm missing something, seems more intuitive for the damage value to be tied to the sigil and not the slot. Wanted to ask / put it on your radar if it wasn't 🙂

Oh interesting. Yeah, hadn't seen that bug reported yet, but I can think of why it's happening. Sigils get unloaded after combat, we have to save persistent info elsewhere. It's probably just not getting the info correctly when the sigil reloads since it's changed slots. I'll go reproduce and put in a ticket for it!


Originally posted by Cthuluflapper

My GF recently just completed the hard mode on the Demons hand but its not saying she did or received any of the rewards for completing the run, is this a known issue or a weird bug she just ran into?

Can you have her open a support ticket? We'll get a bit more info about the account and things that way!

I've not cleared it myself on my live account yet (busy day, lol), and I've not seen a live issue come in for it.

20 Mar


Originally posted by KoolKatsarecool

My GPU and processor are getting fried playing this game mode... How does it take more usage than the regular SR mode?

Passed these performance issues along to our engineers - appreciate all the reports, they're going to look into it!


Originally posted by SilencedMelody

Is the Heroism sigil not working as intended or am I misunderstanding the text? Does 'not being removed from attacks' mean they'll permanently stay in your hand if you play it? If so, this doesn't seem to be happening

Sorry, the wording's a bit confusing! Basically, if you play, for instance, a pair of 2's, and then add in the any of the Command cards (Scout 一, Shaman 二, Warlord 三, or Assassin (o) ), those Command cards will contribute their value and any sigil effects they trigger towards the hand. It's a low-cost sigil that helps with the "Command" card synergy sigils you can get.


Originally posted by CorganKnight

nah nobody read those, dont wate your time. Make a post and get traction, its the only way

We read as many as possible lol this is not true


Originally posted by Enricopower

How difficult are the harder difficulties compared to balatro stakes (Which i assumed you played), because story was quite easy, but it should be considering how much time I wasted in baltro

They're a fair bit harder, but basically similar to green stake; not gameplay or system modifiers. They make enemies more challenging, build synergy more required, and lingering damage more dangerous.

For an experienced player who understands the systems, they're not going to take tons of attempts, but they should at least provide a meaningful challenge.


Originally posted by FireDevil11

Only in PVP games or do bots work too?

Any more! Arena is 30% faster unlocks, however.

19 Mar


Originally posted by Myozthirirn

How do you unlock hard mode? It says to play League of legend but I played one (1) aram and nothing happened.

Responded below, but basically just play a bunch of League! Rare sigils are dropped somewhat randomly based on time spent playing League games. If you're looking to progress faster, and you enjoy Arena, play Arena - it progresses the invisible missions that track your progress 30% faster than SR modes or ARAM.


Originally posted by Dead_NOTsleeping

This was pretty fun. I feel like I sorta broke it with my setup, but I didn't do too badly.

gg! Feeling like you broke it is absolutely my intention. please go break it harder next time.


Originally posted by Spare-Antelope-2598

I also finished the story mode difficulty, do you know, how to unlock next difficulty?

Play League and you'll unlock Rare Sigils over time! They're dropped pseudo-randomly after certain game-time thresholds are reached, very similar to the battle pass mission that says "Play games to earn points." Games of Arena progress the invisible missions that track your progress 30% faster.


Glad you're having fun! I'm so happy Demon's Hand is out, it was one of my favorite projects I've worked on at Riot. I designed the enemies, about half the sigil effects, and am responsible for balance / tuning. I've been nervously watching people not familiar with the inspirations play it for the first time hoping it's not too hard hahah

We're reading all the feedback, and I can probably answer a few questions here or there if you have any!


Originally posted by jiwicharms

Still waiting on an updated Clash schedule

We were still figuring out exact dates when the patch notes locked, but we should have all the updated dates available in the next patch notes.

The next Clash will be on April 19–20 (it'll be on Summoner's Rift)


Originally posted by Thirdatarian

So re: Zoe matchup, this means that he doesn't instantly cleanse the Drowsy just by going into his E and back out, he would only ignore falling Asleep during the snap back if he timed it right? Sounds huge to me as a Zoe player.

Pretty sure that still happens lol sorry Zoe Player

18 Mar


The Yone change is missing a line:

Yone E no longer cleanses crowd control upon returning. He's still Unstoppable during the return.


Originally posted by CrystalizedSeraphine

I like the main points but dislike how the top content covers most of the ui so you can only see 4 items at most at the same time.

You should be able to see a bit more than that when it's live in client. Probably my bad for not having the best pictures to show it off.

Let me know what you think when it's live in the client and if that thought/feeling is still true.


Originally posted by yestheryak

Does this affect the pool of what sort of "accessories" are available (like real old events), or is it just content that's been in the mythic shop before? Will Riot put out a list of what content is in these category pools?

So it's the content that was in it before, and we added some of the old event chromas into it. We're working on adding some of the icons that were associated to them too.

We're looking for suggestions on what all past content we should bring into it so would love to know what you want to see specifically!

I don't know if we could easily present a list of what all content is available in each pool, but I'll definitely take that ask back to the team.