Jatt's comments about game balance come at a sharp contrast with the points LS made in his recent video. It is very interesting to hear both of their thoughts so soon after each other. I wish Riot or independents (Thooorin, Travis) would arrange some kind of round table with different analysts.
The Dive, Scarra, Phreak, and LS all comment on the patch notes when they come out, and usually all of their opinions are extremely different. It would be awesome if we could get a conversation with like Scarra and LS about the balance and their perception of the game. Or bring in LS to flame Jatt about champion balance. I realize theres a lot of politics involved but I wish there was more discussion or debate between professional analysts (in public).
To go further, in the most recent EUphoria, there was a discussion at the end where Frosk, Ender, and Vedius talk about Reddit and public perception of casting. And they discuss how analysts might have extremely different views on champion balance or the meta and how Reddit's opinion of caster knowledge can be extremely biased. It would be super interesting to actually publicize these conversations in an organized way. Let's hear the disagreements between Vedius and Papasmithy and really parse out how each sees the game. Knowing their biases and mindset would add so much context and depth to appreciating their casts.
just my two cents.