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Support in the past was extremely unpopular for many years, and the few supp mains found matches in 0,5 seconds. Eventually Riot turned them into tank-roam-burst gods, created Pyke, and solved the issue.

I was an adc that swapped to mid, and the only disadvantage is not having my extremely short ADC queue times. I then realised that ADC was probably becoming unpopular.

And I can't even begin to explain how HUGE the difference in agency is by playing mid instead:

  • No support difference deciding if you're gonna be useless for 25 minutes or not.

  • I'm massively ahead in levels without doing anything better than when I played ADC.

  • This allows me to duel others and make plays instead of being a mere observer.

  • Huge early powerspikes for most champs to make snowball even more insane.

This state of ADC has been going on for 2+ years now, but I wonder if it's going to end when popularity issues arise.

This brings us to the inevitable dilemma: you can't simply buff ADC without either making botlane insanely strong, or nerfing Supp to the ground, both undesirable options.

In other words, are we on our way to an ADC rework in season 11?

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Aladin001 - Direct link

Originally posted by Homicidal_HotS

Yea I truly enjoy when their Fizz gets fed and he just presses Q + W on me and do 90% of my health

Not very fed if he only does 90%!