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I had a ranked match today, where I was facing 4 AD champions in enemy team, yet the item suggestion for me was Spirit Visage and Hollow Radiance, because they had Braum, who is AP-based champion. But he wasn't even fed or anything, and he is a support. Why the system suggests such unfit items? Does this happen to others?

Here is screenshot of the incident: https://i.imgur.com/KMbKgQT.png

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11 months ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Howdy friendo!

The suggestions are based on popular build orders and their success rates. On your champion people most commonly built these items after the items you had already purchased. The Good Against section is layered on top of the suggestions to help give context about why you might build one versus the other.

Hope that helps, and good luck on the rift.