Hey guys, so I'm apparently one of the lucky people who had a near flawless clash experience on EUW. It was super amazing, as other people on this subreddit have already pointed out anyway. However, there are some things I instantly noticed with the format that I think should be adressed for a better experience.
1 - The Tiers seem very weirdly divided
I am Plat IV together with another friend in my team, and we are both ranked in Tier IV. Another Plat IV in our team is ranked Tier III. Together with 2 more Silvers we are actually Tier IV which is the lowest tier which I find insane. What about full silver/bronze teams, I feel like they don't get to play Clash. Also I was looking at some of the winning Teams from Tier I and there was literally a team like this: Dia3, Dia4, Plat2, Plat4, Gold1. Tier I!? This feels so wrongly matched.
2 - Losing after second round should result in a 3rd place match
When losing first round you can get to win up to 2 more games, but when winning first round and losing second round you're done. You shouldn't be punished more for going further in the first place, especially since you actually get less victory points. Another option would be to reduce the victory point the losers bracket gets to 50-100 per game or something. I also like reducing the points anyway since it should somewhat feel punishing to be in the losers bracket.
3 - There should be 5 minute breaks between games
Honestly this is the most important one in my opinion. If you have a really casual game, you probably won't notice this, as you can just jump straight into the next one and it's fine. But having had a stressful game where the enemies were ahead and we made a really cool comeback, I would have really appreciated 5 minutes to cool down after the game, talk about what happened, go to the bathroom, grab some water, etc. Killing the nexus and immediately being presented with the next scouting phase is really intense, especially since it's quite short, so you have to immediately concentrate again. I think a good solution would also be a 5 minute lock-in window between games, so if you do want to jump straight into the next game, you can.
Overall, I think clash was a super great experience, but that's my suggestions on how to improve it.
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