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So, all i can think about are:

Udyr - Obvious reasons

Tryndamere - upgrading tryndamere's ultimate just gives him more fury and makes his lowest health go up a bit, so it's not worth it to upgrade more then once

Shaco - pinkward used to not upgrade shaco's ult (AP shaco) because the ult didnt matter that much

Ekko - Ekko can delay upgrading his ult to upgrade it exactly when he has to use it so that he can trick someone into thinking he has ult(because of the shadow it leaves behind him, no shadow if he doesnt have ult upgraded) so you can kinda delay upgrading your ult at level 6

Can you guys think of any other champions that dont?

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over 4 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Ryze, before his most recent rework, had a significant (read: 10 points) winrate increase if he didn't skill his ultimate at level 6 but instead at level 11. His most optimal leveling looked something like 3 points in Q then max E and then take R in solo queue.

Back then, his ult only had two ranks and not very useful at rank 1 in solo queue because of its short range. Ranking up your E instead would give you significantly more waveclear because your Q damage on targets with E would scale with E rank, not Q.

This was before his flux damage scaled with his ult. That change pretty much killed that strategy.

over 4 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by BloodSurgery

This was before his flux damage scaled with his ult. That change pretty much killed that strategy.

Isnt it kind of bad to kill different playstyles thought? Forcing people to upgrade ultimate sounds weird.

On one hand I agree with you, on the other hand, the difference was so large on such an unintuitive build that leveling the 'normal' way you do with every other champion was essentially a trap. It wasn't so much that the skip R build was a playstyle so much as the optimal way to play the champion if you were solo. Building juggernaut items on Darius isn't a playstyle, it's just the best way to play him - similar thing here.

Ryze was changed for reasons unrelated to this max order, I believe - More to do with the massive gulf between his pro play and regular play performance.

His waveclear with his old E scaling was very strong, particularly in the laning phase, so it had to be changed. Shifting the damage increase of Q away from E ranks to his ult was a great way of doing that. It just so happened that it also made his leveling order more similar to every other champion (ie max a single ability at a time, always level your ult when you can). It's a useful tactic, because it means you can guarantee Ryze is going to spike at 6/11/16 rather than spike hard at 10 and never fall off.

over 4 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by Strikerjuice

Was there a significant sample size for this? Also, the increase in winrate might have something to do with only diehard ryze mains knowing about this and doing it, so it might just mostly be the winrate of skilled ryze players.

Not sure just thinking out loud

It was mostly skilled Ryze players playing it, but that in itself should tell you that it was known to be the optimal build. It wasn't like it was one Ryze player doing it for the lulz. The sample size was statistically significant

over 4 years ago - /u/riotaredherring - Direct link

Originally posted by ariel12333

Maybe the difference was huge because only people who knew how to play ryze actually knew how useless was his ult?

The 10 point increase definitely had confounding factors but even a Ryze with 100 wins on Ryze doesn't have a 10 point increase in winrate compared to a first-time Ryze, which seems to imply to me it wasn't necessarily about skill of the operator

I'm not a data analyst or on the balance team, though, so I could be wrong!