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Update: As it turns out, I'm completely wrong and now feel pretty stupid and embarrassed. As correctly pointed out by u/VaporaDark and u/trusendi there has been a system in place that restricts duo queuing based on your hidden mmr, something I should've known . What ended up happening was a series of games in master+ with multiple players with plat/diamond rank. in 3 games it was unanimous among my team that duo queuing was taking place, so I didn't think to verify beyond that. In hindsight, it's obvious that it was mostly decayed/smurf accounts and I'm honestly flabbergasted by how confident I was that duo queuing had taken place and the conclusions I took assuming it to be true.

I'll probably delete this post eventually, but wanna leave it up for at least a while. Don't want people thinking I got caught lying and tried deleting the evidence. Below starts the original post.

I'm referring to the change laid out in the post "CHANGES TO RANKED IN 2023". I'm specifically referring to,

we’re removing visible rank influence from your matches.

Previously if a smurf was gold with a hidden mmr of diamond, then he'd get placed into games somewhere in-between those two ranks. With these changes that same smurf player would instead be placed in diamond games, hopefully preventing unfair matches.

I personally think it's a great change. Conceptually it makes sense, and I've seen a mostly positive response from the community. Having that said, it's undeniable that it is causing an increase in duos appearing in master+ games.

For those unaware, duo queuing was removed from master+ in preseason 2021. The benefit of 2 players having improved levels of communication/synergy while probably sitting in a discord call is really oppressive. I personally don't think duo/solo queueing should coexist in a competitive ladder, but I understand the appeal of playing with a friend. However, I hope we can all agree that duo queuing probably shouldn't exist in the highest parts of the ladder.

But how is riot's change causing any of this? In short, players placed into master+ games can now have a drastically lower visible rank and therefore still duo queue. I've personally seen a number of platinum/diamond players duo queuing in mid-high master (300-600lp), where previously duoing was nonexistent. Duos appearing in the lower parts of master has always been a thing as it neighbors divisions allowing duo queue, but now it's having an even bigger impact.

The change should be simple, just restrict duo queue based on a players hidden mmr. Personally I don't understand why there needs to be a separation between visual rank and your hidden mmr. I've heard that riot doesn't want people to know exactly how their system works so that it can't get abused, but I don't get how that's a concern. The Elo rating system isn't exactly new, and shouldn't have to be kept secret.

Edit: Something to clarify. This is a planned change for 2023, but variations of this idea has been implemented and experimented on since 2020. I'm guessing they are testing things out during the preseason, which is why it's affecting games before season 13 proper.

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about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by VaporaDark

The solution to smurf queue has increased the presence of duos in master+

It can't have, because the "solution" hasn't been put into effect yet.

Previously if a smurf was gold with a hidden mmr of diamond, then he'd get placed into games somewhere in-between those two ranks.

And they still do. The change hasn't happened yet.

Having that said, it's undeniable that it is causing an increase in duos appearing in master+ games.

That sounds extremely unlikely, because the change has not yet happened. It's not going through until 13.1.

But how is riot's change causing any of this?

It's not, because you are not yet experiencing the change.

In short, players placed into master+ games can now have a drastically lower visible rank and therefore still duo queue.

No they can't, because anyone with Master+ MMR can't duo even if their visual rank is far below it. It's worked this way for most of the season already. I couldn't duo with my friend in their Master promos just a month ago because they already had Master MMR.

The change should be simple, just restrict duo queue based on a players hidden mmr.

This is already how it works. Has been since sometime in season 12, maybe halfway through or so.

This is a planned change for 2023, but variations of this idea has been implemented and experimented on since 2020

Your link only shows Mark Yetter announcing the initial change that created smurf queue, which we were already aware of. It says nothing of any ongoing testing to smurf queue or anything else. Here Auberaun said that the change your post is about is going through in 13.1. I find it unlikely that a change explicitly said to be going through in 13.1 has gone through in 12.23. Otherwise he'd have just said that the change already would go through in 12.23, not 13.1.

This whole post sounds like nocebo effect. Nothing changed but you thought it did and you're seeing the ill-effects from the non-existent change. It's not impossible that something's happened to bug out the no duo in Master MMR by non-Master players feature, but it's certainly nothing to do with a change that hasn't happened yet. Could do with some sources regarding the claim that plat/Diamond players are duoing in mid-high Master MMR to investigate whether anything's off or not, I haven't seen anything about it so I'd need to take your word for it.

I should correct myself here, the matchmaking changes did actually ship in 12.23, that's my mistake.

What you're saying about duoing being restricted by MMR since midway through this year is accurate and that should still be active right now.