It's really annoying that by far the worst G2 player talks the most sh*t.
It's really annoying that by far the worst G2 player talks the most sh*t.
Yeah, on the other side you had 2 korean teams, 1st and 3rd seed, a weak european team and Splyce. I would say Gamers2 have a very good shot at like a 3-1 against FreePlus PhoeniX but that is just me.
But I thought Korea wasn't good?
Well, FPX plays brawl 24/7. It's not that unpredictable. VS SKT we saw brillant chess game won by macro. BUt let's remember that in LEC G2 played just what FPX did in semis. Brawl 24/7.
That's not how FPX plays but ok.