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Pretty mutch the title. When you go into the champions tab in your colection, the filter allways goes back to "All Champions + Alphabetical". If you change it but then go back to do something else, when you return, it's back on the basic.

It's a simple quality of life that there is no reason to not have

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about 5 years ago - /u/Ken_Adams_NSA - Direct link

Sounds like a bug. I’ll send this to the team.

about 5 years ago - /u/Ken_Adams_NSA - Direct link

Originally posted by penguin-cat

hey while you're at it, I think eternals broke the circle indicator for champion mastery points in the collection. they don't show any progress for me now, you can only tell by looking at the numbers


Great call out, you're right!

Context as to why this probably happened: As part of our client cleanup program, the champion collection page was one of the first things to get a ton of behind-the-scenes fixes and ember applications destroyed (the stuff that causes client slowdown). This was probably something that we missed in the process, but now that tab should be buttery smooth!

I'll let the team know about this. Thanks again!