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You build full tank, have 6k health on top of 350 armor, and Jhin still one combos you.

Even if he didn't one shot you, thanks to the thousand sources of lifesteal in the game, even if you build thornmail he still just out sustains any tickle damage you can do and wins anyway!

Zed? Well he built a Last Whisper, and now you're just as squishy as any ADC or mage he ults!

... what's the point? Tanks not only auto lose lane, they can't even do the one thing they were designed to do. And armor may as well just be removed for how well it doesn't function. MR works somewhat against AP assassins not named Kat or Akali, but they're not meta, so.

And people will say "Oh you aren't supposed to win lane or 1v1, you go in with your team and bla bla" -- yeah, well, even in teamfights you drop over dead instantly, did no damage before dying, and your CC is very telegraphed and easy to avoid with the 30 dashes every champ has -- so what good are they?

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about 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by Stupid_Turtle

Lvl 18 jhin with full build is nuts

most carry champions at level 18 with full build are nuts - that's the strongest they can possibly be :P

about 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by Stupid_Turtle

True but it feels like jhin outscales most of the. Carries cos he has nuts ad scalings past 13ish

Every ADC has their own unique steroid, Jhins is his passive which is a kiss/curse thing. If Jhins autos didnt hit extremely hard, it would be hard to justify bringing him, because the drawback is that his autos are very slow compared to other ADCs. His per-shot and ability damage needs to be higher to compensate.

about 3 years ago - /u/riotdanhonks - Direct link

Originally posted by ForgottenCrusader

Wanted to ask what is your opinion on the state of of ldr and void staff? Don't they provide a bit to much resistance shred right now?

I am a security engineer. I can give you my opinion, but my opinion doesn't have the weight you think it does. I'm also quite bad at the game.