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I took a long break from LoL a few months ago to try and ease my mood up a bit, and coming back to this Onslaught mode is such an amazing breathe of fresh air and it just made me want more. The idea of grinding up in a game with the same combat style and lore of Runeterra building up my own character and collecting amazing weapons and armor from different locations. The final fight the first time I played the mode just felt so close to a real raid, calling out strats and learning his combos worked was so much fun, amazing job to Riot the potential on this is amazing. Also I honestly just want more PVE content hehe.

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over 7 years ago - /u/RiotForseti - Direct link

Originally posted by lolyoda

Yea I wish there was a game where you can like walk around the world outside of the gwent game. /s

Would be kind of cool if they added some combat, kind of like they brought the cards to life.