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LNG Esports 1-2 Ultra Prime

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UP | Leaguepedia) | Liquipedia | Website


Winner: Ultra Prime in 29m

| MVP: Smlz (3)

Match History | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
LNG nocturne ziggs thresh alistar braum 47.3k 5 2 M1
UP xin zhao diana akali gwen rakan 56.8k 13 10 H2 I3 H4 C5 B6 C7 C8
LNG 5-13-12 vs 13-5-23 UP
Ale drmundo 3 0-1-3 TOP 3-1-3 1 renekton zs
Tarzan viego 1 2-2-3 JNG 3-1-6 1 lee sin H4cker
icon leblanc 3 2-3-2 MID 1-2-1 4 vladimir xiaocaobao
Light kalista 2 1-3-1 BOT 5-1-6 2 aphelios Smlz
Iwandy sett 2 0-4-3 SUP 1-0-7 3 leona ShiauC


Winner: LNG Esports in 28m

| MVP: Light (1)

Match History | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
UP akali camille diana wukong jayce 46.3k 8 2 H2 O3
LNG nocturne renekton thresh ziggs ezreal 55.9k 16 8 M1 H4 I5 I6 B7
UP 8-16-16 vs 16-8-42 LNG
zs sett 2 0-5-4 TOP 4-2-10 1 viego Ale
H4cker xin zhao 1 2-4-2 JNG 2-1-8 4 olaf Tarzan
xiaocaobao karma 2 0-2-5 MID 4-1-6 2 leblanc icon
Smlz sivir 3 4-2-2 BOT 5-1-7 1 varus Light
ShiauC alistar 3 2-3-3 SUP 1-3-11 3 leona Iwandy


Winner: Ultra Prime in 29m

| MVP: zs (3)

Match History | Game Breakdown

Bans 1 Bans 2 G K T D/B
LNG nocturne ziggs renekton gwen karma 47.6k 6 2 H2 C6
UP xin zhao diana varus kalista ezreal 57.7k 14 11 I1 M3 H4 B5 C7
LNG 6-16-11 vs 15-6-44 UP
Ale camille 2 0-4-3 TOP 3-1-4 3 jax zs
Tarzan viego 1 1-3-2 JNG 3-2-10 1 lee sin H4cker
icon akali 2 3-2-2 MID 3-1-11 4 galio xiaocaobao
Light kaisa 3 2-3-2 BOT 4-2-6 2 aphelios Smlz
Iwandy nautilus 3 0-4-2 SUP 2-0-13 1 thresh ShiauC

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over 3 years ago - /u/GuldborgCast - Direct link

What a great series to see from UP continuing to develop! LNG on the other hand tho are really looking broken at many basic aspects