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almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Ocarina3219

I would love to be wrong about this but I think “item diversity” is Riot’s white whale and the constant item overhauls have done basically nothing to achieve it so far.

I'm honestly pretty convinced that even for players "item diversity" is actually just seeing different things on the scoreboard every game, not making really specific choices on an individual champion.

It's really hard to have 10 nearly-equal power items for any individual champion. Getting a couple of swaps is largely going to be the best we're going to get.

What's nice is things like "This is the defensive option" is a pretty obvious axis. As is the item that's good in longer fights (Kraken) or shorter fights (Stormrazor).

I think in general, it's correct to chase unique outputs. Shiv has the best wave clear and it's not close. It's up to you to realize if you want wave clear or not. Something's going to have a generic win rate advantage. That's just going to happen. But that doesn't mean it's the best in every case. That'd be like saying only Swain is viable in bot lane.

almost 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by goku332

Do you think Infinity Edge giving 25% crit chance and 5% crit chance on every legendary as it's mythic passive would be broken ?

Yeah, generally players didn't like having to skip a crit item by the end. People would rather buy a Bloodthirster than a Wit's End. Not saying they're right, but feels are important.