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About a year ago we got teased about Vex, who was an anti mobility artillery mage.

However it became really difficult to balance an artillery mage so that aspect became scrapped and now we have the Vex we know today, who is cool, but not an artillery mage.

Recently we got teased about a Shuriman top laner who will be a "High skill tank". However, I have some concerns because of how difficult it is to balance tanks. Ornn is just considered a "medium skill" tank and it took him YEARS to reach the RELATIVELY balanced state he is today (and honestly there is an argument that he still isn't balanced).

Anyone else think that the "High skill" aspect of our new top laner will get scrapped as it proves too difficult to hold together?

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almost 3 years ago - /u/RiotMaxw3ll - Direct link

Hello, designer for the tank here.

I understand the concerns here; high skill generally translates to high agency (semi pro-skewed), and tanks in general tend to be pro skewed as well. One thing I want to clear up is that 'high skill' isn't really a mechanic that has too much game impact. Its more a consideration of audience. The current roster of tanks tend to have fairly easy to figure out patterns and approach fights in similar ways. Our goal with this character is to create a tank who appeals to players who like deep mastery curves and characters who really test your ability to approach fights in clever ways. I don't believe we'd ever cut that aspect of the character, since that was the whole impetus for making them.

We have a couple things we're working on to mitigate the balance concerns. I don't want to get into specifics since we're still pretty far out and not everything is sorted yet, but generally we're looking at making sure they're more gold reliant than other tanks, who tend to still be successful when playing weak side.

No guarantees, a lot can happen once a champ hits live, but we're aware of it and we're going to do our best to have the levers in place to get him into the right spot.