Played my first few games in the PBE and decided to only que for jungle. I Played early game champions that are very good at objective taking: Lee sin, Reksai, Warwick. I was able in all three to take the drake in roughly 15-20 seconds by myself right at spawn between lvl 3 to lvl 4. My jungling opponent who played Kayn or evelynn had no chance to stop me becuase there relative power was way lesser. Barring their mid or bot rotated upon spotting me, which they never did because at this point into the game no one has backed to purchase a control ward. All their vision is localized around there lane.
Taking the Dragon doesn't feel at all strategical: you don't need vison setup and your way less likely to be punished by the opponent b/c it dies so fast.
Remember League of Scuttle after the changes that caused 4v4s to happen in the bot river? Expect an even greater fiesta skirmish for the drakes, especially the first one. The winner in all my games went on to destroying the nexus, netting a huge gold lead and an objective.
I want to be able to react to an objective being taken, not see it being started on a ward and 2 seconds later its gone. Especially in SoloQ where directing teammates to leave their lane/cs for objectives is already hard.
Please revert the dragon health! Curious on anyone else's thoughts whos tried the preseason changes out on the PBE.
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