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Currently Swain is mostly played as a support. He was changed recently in a way that doesn't favor him in solo lanes anymore. His laning is very weak and in the support role he can farm the enemy bot laners for stacks far easier then he can in top or mid lane.

But Swain doesn't seem to be a champion designed for the support role. He never was a support before his rework and he was clearly released as a solo laner.

So I would love to see some quality of live changes for our Noxian overlord which might stir him towards a carry lane rather then being the off carry in the bot lane.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Swain is a 53% winrate midlaner. If you want to say he's not fun in mid that's fine, but saying he's weak just isn't correct. If you play him mid you will win games.

Swain also has one of the highest depths of play in the game (top 10-15 vs. the entire roster). It's comparable to characters like Yasuo, Lee sin, Nami, and Katarina. Depth of play is how much a player will play the same champ over and over again. We believe having high depth of play is a good thing because it means Swain players tend to jump on him and never stop playing him. It means Swain mains play A LOT of Swain.

Before the mini-update his depth of play was average at best and his overall playrate was well below average. As far as I can tell he's been massively improved (going from average to top 10-15) despite being played more often as a support.

Seems like there's a lot of people out there who enjoy current Swain quite a bit.

almost 5 years ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


they were