Riot August Tweeted the upcoming changes to Janna
We have a Janna update for 12.1 that should be showing up on the PBE soon (feedback is appreciated).
Summary: We're draining lane poke power out of her W + AA's and focusing it into utility. Q is now a much stronger spell when used offensively.
Imgur (image) version:
>>> Buffs <<<
Base stats
Move speed: 315 >>> 330
AD: 46 + 1.5/lvl >>> 52 + 3/lvl
Mana Cost: 60-140 >>> 60-100
Min Ranged: 1000 >>> 1100
Max Range: 1750 >>> 1760
Travel Time: 1.5s >>> 1.25s
Damage: 60-160 + 15-35/s of charge >>> 60-180 + 15-55/s of charge
[NEW] Now deals 80% damage to minions
>>> Nerfs <<<
Base stats
- Attack Range: 550 >>> 500
Janna gains 8% Move Speed >>> Janna gains 8% Move Speed while moving towards allies
[REMOVED] Janna's attacks and W no longer deal bonus Magic Damage based on her bonus Move Speed
>>> Adjustments <<<
Range: 550 (Edge to Edge) >>> 650 (center to center)
Slow Duration: 2 >>> 3s
Cooldown: 8-6 >>> 12s
Damage: 55-175 >>> 70-190
Passive Move Speed: 6-10% >>> 8-14%
Cooldown: 16-12 >>> 15-9
Time before shield decays: .75 >>> 1.25s
[REMOVED] Slowing or knocking up an enemy champion no longer reduces E's cooldown by 20%