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This champion (Even Karma, Zilean..) made top lane look more "nonexistent" as it was. Why would I pick Jayce,Akali, bruisers.. while I can just choose A champ that can shield and heal every lane in the whole map without thinking about my cs, tower, jgl approx/ganks.. and even get free gold. Top lane need some help.. Winrate Winrate in U.gg

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about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by NahDawgDatAintMe

This is almost entirely due to bounties and the fortifications on top tower to stop lane swaps.

Honestly, I think it would be kind of cool to see them flip fortifications to bot lane. It fixes the problem of having no way to punish an afk roaming top. Furthermore, it spices up pro by reintroducing a non 4v0 lane swap back into the meta which will diversify picks and strategies significantly.

I'd like to keep bounties a bit longer because I think people might eventually stop trying to ff at 3 minutes after one death.

If you swapped fortification you'd just duo top lane and play roam Janna from bot lane instead. People don't really play for dragons that much anyway.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Iodolaway

Why not just remove fortifications entirely and let the meta redevelop?
It’s far too difficult to push towers early so you have champs just sit there mindlessly clearing waves.

Because lane swaps made pro league nearly unwatchable, which were solved via fortification.

You'd have to do even weirder sh*t like making top lane not have turret plates for the first 6 minutes or whatever.

Edit: I think you could shorten fortification a bit, to be fair.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by NahDawgDatAintMe

Not all laneswaps were boring. It was the 4v0 iteration that was terrible to watch. 2v1 situations and 2v2 featuring a support and top together vs a support and adc while an adc and top went 1v1 was kind of cool to see.

Removing the current fortification implementation and replacing it with ramped plate armor per champion in proximity would help reduce the chances that we get a 4v0 base race meta again.

The problem with what you're mentioning is that 4v0 became the solved version of lane swaps. NA/EU were ahead of the meta in lane swaps and that proved out in international competition where all the games eventually became 4v0 until Riot hard nerfed it.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by dieyoufool3

Rare to catch such a famous Rioter commenting in the wild.

You won't remember this, but we played against each other 7 years ago in top lane. You played Ryze and at the start of the game all chatted "gg ez".

I thought you were so cool back then so it really hurt my feelings to have that bm, to the point I remember it still today.

I thought you should know.

Well I’m still a horrible person so at least you got the falsehood out of your head early!

But I feel like ggez at the start is much less malicious than at the end.