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He tweeted:

We're nerfing AP Kaisa next patch and are changing the Shiv + Night Harvester synergy to require ability hit, like other Item spell effects (Ludens, etc) [for LB]; We're still continuing to monitor Shiv, but think it's ~appropriate for most users. (Quinn, Zeri, Sivir, Vayne, etc)

Seems like they basically responded fastly to the recent complaints; now guys, make a Dusk item complaint for all the Kha, Rengar, Qiyana, etc. players :)

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10 months ago - /u/phroxz0n - Direct link

Originally posted by nfect

I feel like the biggest issue with Shiv is its insane waveclear potential which I don't think is addressed with the upcoming changes.

Waveclear is Shiv's identity (and it's a pretty satisfying one). Items are meant to be strong at a specific thing and that may be frustrating for some, but it's part of the item's power budget and we intend to balance the item around it.

Granted, when the waveclear is too powerful, such that you're one tapping the casters at range, then yeah that can lead to stalling and lower interaction, but we intend to tune the item around that property.

We also intend to allow AP users to buy it sometimes as a bridge to AP AS builds (like Nashors).

10 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by daswef2

Shiv + Night Harvester synergy to require ability hit

I wonder how this changes certain kit interactions, like on Galio you have stuff like Colossal Smash doesn't proc Demonic Embrace burn and doesn't seem to actually count as a spell. Nerfing Night Harvester in this way feels like it hurts actual normal AP users without shiv, can't use Night Harvester anymore on other champs if you have no cooldowns or no mana, Night Harvester isn't really out of line in the game so nerfing it directly like this doesn't make sense to me.

Personally I think its time to drop the Shiv as a hybrid item idea, Kraken and Stormrazor were way healthier as hybrid items because they don't have waveclear built in, and the only champs you're preserving Shiv for at this point are Leblanc, Kai'sa, Varus, and Kayle. Just remove the AP ratio off shiv.

edit: I didn't look up Night Harvester champs last night when I made the comment but champs that will likely be affected by this change include: Elise, Nidalee, Rumble (overheat autos), Sylas (passive does not apply Demonic Embrace, will it still apply Night Harvester?), Ivern (W Autos).

Harvester will be Abilities, Attacks, and Pet damage (Abilities + Pets is how Luden's works). Intent is to not hurt its original users while removing the Shiv synergy.

10 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by kakatudeka

This is a good change, but are it's main users happy with the item itself? i thought it was closer to being buffed soon

I don't have really strong feelings on this topic since I haven't spent much time thinking about AP itemization. It's one of the things I could have dove into on Midseason but was handed ADC instead.

It's overall got a decent number of users who are pretty performant (Elise, Nidalee, Vlad, a few others) so I don't think the item is in dire need of help.

10 months ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Whodoesntlovetwob

But how does this exactly change the way it works on LB?

Statikk Shiv's bounces won't apply it to your lane opponent while wave clearing or the enemy team without your intent.