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I (Singed) activated Radiant Virtue to heal an ally (Ashe) who I thought was in danger, and afterwards I didn't receive an assist for my healing. Also, apparently the tool-tip lies to you. It showed that I gave Ashe 100 HP, but the tool-tip said I only healed her for 87?? Whether I healed her for 100 or 87 doesn't really matter, I still think I deserved an assist.


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about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

My thoughts:

Truly passive effects like Frozen Heart and Locket do not deserve assists.

Locket active and Shurelya’s active deserve to.

Radiant is somewhat in the middle. The radius is huge (1200 or so) and is sorta an active but also sorta not since you almost never directly target its effects. This is kinda like how Jarvan E attack speed just prints free assists because it’s bound to affect everyone.

This is the kind of thing I’d bet there are differing opinions on in the design team, though if I was going to come in and change it for 13.5 no one would stop me.

I’ll give it some thought and am curious about everyone else’s

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Toxic_Fkin_Noob

I thought that as well but then when I watched the clip I noticed before I press R the tool-tip reads "allies within 1200 range of you heal for 87" and then after I press R it reads "allies within 1200 range of you heal for 100", due to the max health increase on Radiant.

In the clip Ashe heals for 100, not 87.

So the order of operations must be Gain 15% Max HP -> Heal nearby allies, but for whatever reason the healing tracker doesn't reflect that and shows the pre-Max-HP increase healing instead.

Hmm, this is weird.

The item is coded to give 15% of your max HP on press. Because it should use that new total health value for the heal calculation, the heal is literally coded as a function of that +HP variable. This way I can also feed the tooltip a mathed-out heal amount. For what it’s worth, that functionality was already in before I touched it. Kudos to the prior designer for making it cool that way.

When testing the item locally the math was all accurate. It would heal me for exactly what I expected based upon updated health values pre-ultimate, and the post-ultimate tooltip would be wrong (on purpose, it’s not worth somehow shoving a different number in there post-activate.)

The tooltip is getting updated again in 13.4 anyway to show the total healing and I’m pretty sure that’s meant to be accurate, too, so we’ll see what happens.

The way the tracker works, it simply compares the outgoing heal value to the champion’s missing HP and just takes the lesser of the two.

about 2 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by CSDragon

IMO, printing assists is 100% fine because it only serves to take money away from the carries and put it on the support.

No extra gold is added to the game economy by having more assists per kill, it only dilutes the 150 gold among more people

Unless they’re the one assist.