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G2 Esports 3-2 Rogue
G2 Esports will be playing against Fnatic in the finals!
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MATCH 1: RGE vs. G2
Winner: Rogue in 36m
Match History
Bans 1 | Bans 2 | G | K | T | D/B | |
RGE | leblanc sett zoe | nautilus taric | 72.2k | 23 | 10 | H1 O3 H4 I5 B6 I7 B9 |
G2 | caitlyn lucian thresh | azir syndra | 58.5k | 7 | 3 | M2 I8 |
RGE | 23-7-48 | vs | 7-23-8 | G2 |
Finn ornn 3 | 1-4-10 | TOP | 2-7-4 | 4 kayle Wunder |
Inspired hecarim 1 | 7-1-11 | JNG | 4-5-0 | 1 graves Jankos |
Larssen akali 3 | 6-1-7 | MID | 0-3-2 | 2 orianna Caps |
Hans Sama ashe 2 | 9-0-5 | BOT | 1-4-1 | 1 kalista Perkz |
Vander braum 2 | 0-1-15 | SUP | 0-4-1 | 3 leona Mikyx |
MATCH 2: RGE vs. G2
Winner: G2 Esports in 29m
Match History
Bans 1 | Bans 2 | G | K | T | D/B | |
RGE | leblanc sett zoe | orianna azir | 47.2k | 4 | 1 | H1 |
G2 | caitlyn lucian thresh | nautilus tahmkench | 56.3k | 17 | 11 | C2 H3 I4 B5 M6 |
RGE | 4-17-9 | vs | 17-4-48 | G2 |
Finn gangplank 3 | 1-3-1 | TOP | 2-1-6 | 4 sion Wunder |
Inspired hecarim 1 | 1-4-3 | JNG | 3-1-12 | 1 volibear Jankos |
Larssen akali 2 | 2-3-1 | MID | 7-1-7 | 3 syndra Caps |
Hans Sama senna 2 | 0-3-2 | BOT | 5-0-8 | 1 ashe Perkz |
Vander braum 3 | 0-4-2 | SUP | 0-1-15 | 2 taric Mikyx |
MATCH 3: RGE vs. G2
Winner: G2 Esports in 28m
Match History
Bans 1 | Bans 2 | G | K | T | D/B | |
RGE | leblanc sett taric | camille syndra | 46.4k | 9 | 3 | H2 |
G2 | caitlyn lucian hecarim | ornn akali | 58.3k | 26 | 10 | C1 O3 M4 H5 M6 B7 |
RGE | 9-26-10 | vs | 26-9-58 | G2 |
Finn gangplank 3 | 5-3-2 | TOP | 1-2-10 | 4 neeko Wunder |
Inspired Lillia 1 | 1-4-2 | JNG | 3-2-11 | 1 graves Jankos |
Larssen azir 3 | 2-5-3 | MID | 12-1-10 | 3 zoe Caps |
Hans Sama aphelios 2 | 1-7-1 | BOT | 9-1-10 | 1 ashe Perkz |
Vander thresh 2 | 0-7-2 | SUP | 1-3-17 | 2 nautilus Mikyx |
MATCH 4: G2 vs. RGE
Winner: Rogue in 28m
Match History
Bans 1 | Bans 2 | G | K | T | D/B | |
G2 | lucian thresh gangplank | shen renekton | 45.3k | 6 | 2 | H1 |
RGE | caitlyn leblanc hecarim | orianna zoe | 55.3k | 20 | 9 | I2 M3 H4 O5 B6 M7 B8 |
G2 | 6-20-8 | vs | 20-6-39 | RGE |
Wunder kennen 3 | 0-6-2 | TOP | 1-1-9 | 4 ornn Finn |
Jankos sett 2 | 2-1-1 | JNG | 3-0-11 | 3 Lillia Inspired |
Caps irelia 3 | 2-2-0 | MID | 6-1-4 | 2 akali Larssen |
Perkz ashe 1 | 2-5-3 | BOT | 9-3-2 | 1 kalista Hans Sama |
Mikyx leona 2 | 0-6-2 | SUP | 1-1-13 | 1 nautilus Vander |
MATCH 5: RGE vs. G2
Winner: G2 Esports in 43m
Match History
Bans 1 | Bans 2 | G | K | T | D/B | |
RGE | leblanc ezreal ashe | orianna zoe | 71.1k | 8 | 4 | H1 C2 O4 B7 |
G2 | caitlyn lucian kalista | gangplank sett | 77.9k | 16 | 10 | H3 M5 M6 M8 M9 B10 |
RGE | 8-16-24 | vs | 16-8-36 | G2 |
Finn aatrox 3 | 1-4-5 | TOP | 2-1-8 | 3 shen Wunder |
Inspired Lillia 3 | 1-1-4 | JNG | 5-2-6 | 1 hecarim Jankos |
Larssen akali 1 | 2-4-3 | MID | 3-1-5 | 4 syndra Caps |
Hans Sama draven 2 | 3-2-5 | BOT | 4-0-9 | 1 senna Perkz |
Vander nautilus 2 | 1-5-7 | SUP | 2-4-8 | 2 thresh Mikyx |
This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.
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