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the champion is completely overpowered intentionally by riot just to make him viable top rather than support.

his Q has ridiculous low CD and insane damage for how spammable it is ( 4s at rank 9 with 0% CDR with 280 base damage )

his passive makes him deals more damage the tankier he is

his base stats are completely busted ( 47 Base armor at level 1 !!! 600 health at level 1 with no health from runes or items ) any one who laned against that guy know it's impossible to do anything against him other than farming under torrent because of his chase potential with passive stun from Q, and pray that the lane phase is over before he gets to point where he can solo tower dive you 100 to 0.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by AllorimNA

He's really unfun to play against and has one of the best lane phases (especially vs melee). But the downside is he has some of the worst scaling in the entire game as a top laner with dog shit team fighting.

Just straight up don't give him the opportunity to fight you in lane and take it slow

As someone who has played quite a bit of Kench top this is absolutely the right methodology to play around him successfully.

over 5 years ago - /u/Bellissimoh - Direct link

Originally posted by kazr99

How do you successfully manage a wave against him. If you are a melee top you basically can’t walk up to the wave unless you are a select few champs and he just starts roaming if he is smart and getting leads elsewhere on the map once he is done f**king you in the ass.

It’s always easy to say just don’t fight him blah blah. But I’m really curious how I would approach making it so he gains no leads in lane or others lanes before we get to the phase where he is just useless.

Announce when he’s 6. Anytime he leaves lane aggressively ping missing. Sometimes I will even ping missing in addition to typing “watch out kench ulti”.

As far as laning goes, it’s pretty easy to bait kench into an all in when your jungler is around. Clear vision before jungler comes by. Let kench hit you and he will surely try to stack / stun / all in.

Also pre 6 you can potentially give up CS and either roam with your jungler into the enemy jungle or pressure mid. (Even a failed tank mid where you chunk the mid laner will help five them pressure and oftentimes the kench will shove, allowing you to potentially freeze at tower.)