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In League Of Legends why is it not acceptable for us to trash talk or have banter whatsoever now a days? In earlier seasons everyone was chatting and trash talking each other and there was little to no bans for it but now I can't even have cheeky comments for someone whos being toxic to me, I remember when games would punish you for 1. Being racist/sexist (some games dont even ban you for this one though) 2. Cheating, 3. afking. But to ban or puinsh people for bming? Their own pros bm literally everything like just look at doublelift?? It's okay for him for bm and trash talk other solo q players AND other pros simply because hes a pro player? I find that funny since riot is all about equality and a base line when it comes to banning and punishing people but apparently some people are above the law? Why have a terms of service if you're not going to apply it to ALL of your players. I think riot is being too sensitive lately because over the past 2 or 3 seasons they started to not like anything that can be perceived as negative being said in the chat so honestly I dont know why they even have it in the game. Theres a difference between harassing and bming and riot would rather just cover both of these with the same blanket and some of their employees have even agreed with my logic when I explained what I meant but obviously they have to do their job and cant overturn something so trivial for them I mean even if you give someone constructive criticism you still have a chance to be banned because it can be seen as "Negative behavior" which is such a vague term that they use to justify their actions.

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about 5 years ago - /u/ThuggInUggs - Direct link

Originally posted by LionsGoMeow

Preach it friend let us all flame on!
