Original Post — Direct link

"We're moving some champions off pure killing power builds and onto more durable [Aatrox, Hec, Vi, Xin]. We're also doing targeted adjustments to some champs who lost durability (eg. from Shieldbow moving from 1st to 3rd).

In line with our strategy from previous patches, we're continuing to nerf some of the top Junglers down, rather than buffing weak junglers up. We're pulling Blitzcrank's jungle mods out. It's been hard to make it viable and it's added complexity to an otherwise elegant champion" - https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1693775792722051088


>>> Champion Buffs <<<

Durability pass on old Immortal Shieldbow users



Lux (Mid)



Twisted Fate




>>> Champion Nerfs <<<

Kayn - PBE

  • [W] Blade's Reach bAD ratio reduced 130% >>> 100%

Kha'Zix - PBE

  • [Q] Taste Their Fear bAD ratio reduced 115% >>> 105%

Kindred - PBE

  • [E] Mounting Dread nerfs:
    • Slow reduced 50% >>> 30%
    • Target's missing HP ratio reduced 8% >>> 5%



  • Support focused nerf

>>> Champion Adjustments <<<


Blitzcrank - PBE and PBE

  • Base HP increased 633 >>> 650
  • Base Magic Resistance increased 28 >>> 32

  • Base Attack Speed reduced 0.65 >>> 0.625

  • Attack Speed ratio reduced 0.7 >>> 0.625

  • [P] Mana Barrier maximum Mana ratio adjusted 15-45% (based on level) >>> 30% flat

  • [W] Overdrive adjustments:

    • Mana cost reduced 85 >>> 75
    • Bonus Attack Speed reduced 30/43/56/69/82% >>> 30/40/50/60/70%
    • On-hit damage removed
  • [E] Power Fist adjustments:

    • Mana cost reduced 40 >>> 25
    • Bonus monster and minion damage removed



Xin Zhao

>>> System Buffs <<<

Immortal Shieldbow - PBE

  • Lifeline Shield adjusted from 215-500 (based on levels 11 - 18) >>> 250-500 (based on levels 10 - 18)

>>> System Nerfs <<<

Bloodthirster - PBE

  • Engorge HP required for bonus AD increased 50% >>> 70%

Evenshroud - PBE

  • Coruscation bonus damage reduced 10% >>> 7%

Future's Market - PBE

  • Debt maximum adjusted 145 (+5 per minute) >>> 100 (+8 per minute) gold (Nerf until 17 minutes)

Statikk Shiv - PBE

  • Electroshock AP ratio reduced 30% >>> 15%

External link →
over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Actually_Godlike

Can we add Zyra to that? Would actually love it if she felt better to play midlane, and people would be very happy to see her less in support I think :)

FWIW Zyra pretty much instantly took to support. She was stronger mid by ~1.5% win rate on release but people played her support instead.

Brand, Xerath, and Vel'Koz were much slower adoptions. I'm not going to opine on why, just merely comment on trends.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Hellioning

I misunderstood the champion names underneath "Durability pass on old Immortal Shieldbow users" as being the champions getting a durability pass because they bought shieldbow. It took until Lux before I realized I was wrong, because I somehow thought Elise and Gnar were old Shieldbow users.

Oh, no you're totally right. We're buffing AD Lux.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by zaviex

I dare you. Give her a 40% tAD ratio on q, and r and ill build it every game lol

40% tAD on those spells just takes AP Lux into the stratosphere and AD Lux becomes garbage.

What you'd need to do is make the passive procs explode and the radius scales with bonus AD and it can crit.

over 1 year ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBluestMan


I'm joking but this is probably more ratio buffs somewhere on their kit.

Will not be buffing Orianna R this time I promise lol

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Ryxor25

You should give Sylas AD scalings on basic spells because when I get hit by chains I don't perceive magic damage

They're petricite chains. You should perceive the lore.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

In the same vein as the occasional AP buffs you put on some champs to enable off-meta builds, maybe putting AD ratios on some spells for mages and supports could be fun. Nothing close to viability, just for off-meta variety.

There are two important factors for off-builds:

  • The gameplay is different. It's not just a math problem of "This build is just better." Kayle has this problem right now.
  • The gameplay is high enough quality.

In short, it just means that there has to be more considerations than slapping AD ratios on things. It's why I like AP Twitch: Passive and W are meaningfully different when he builds AP instead.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by JTHousek1

I think they still have some sort of adjustment for him but yeah it was supposed to be last patch or this one, guess it got mucked up along the way. There is still 2 patches to put it in though so I'd probably bank on it being 13.18.

Current plan is to ship K'Sante changes after Worlds. His pro presence has consistently trended downward across summer and is currently pretty reasonable at ~50% (0% in LEC on 13.15, which is kinda fake data). Plus there are several top lane buffs that have happened since then (some leagues aren't playing in post-changes Aatrox, for example).

So the urgency around K'Sante has dropped substantially, but we still want to make changes.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by ToTheNintieth

And I suppose that AP ratios are more commonly found on utility and defensive scalings rather than just raw damage, right? For example, AP Trynd and Yi (degenerate gameplay aside) have a marked difference in the benefit they get from their utility abilities compared to their normal builds. Or AP Volibear getting AS from his passive and a bigass shield from his E compared to bruiser or tank builds. By contrast most AD scalings are just damage, right? Though I guess giving an otherwise utility-based ability extra damage changes the play pattern in its own right, like one-time AD Malzahar's voidlings or current armor pen Yorick's ghouls, it's just that AP champs already tend to have AP scaling on their damage dealing builds so an AD ratio would just he a worse (or better, if the numbers are wrong) version of their usual pattern.

Yeah I think it's somewhat harder to make AD version of mages work unless there are already pretty obvious hooks.

AD Lux unironically could work.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Ryxor25

🤓☝️ Ackshually, not only i have read everything there is to read about Sylas, the War, what petricite is, but I've also did a paper for school about what the properties of a hypothetical stone/wood hybrid would be, including fantasy variants capable of absorbing and releasing magic, electricity, heat conductivity and humidity/porousness meters (idk if porousness is a word, 3rd language English)

I know what petricite is. I'm just saying that, if you were to be whipped by something like a chain whip connected to live electricity the physical damage you would sustain is clearly higher than the electrical damage.

Im ok, for example with the Explosion on Q2 dealing/scaling exclusively off of AP. Just wondering, why does the Q1, whipping the chains, scale only off of AP

Entirely depends on the voltage/amperage, no?

Anyways I'm just being weird. I think Sylas scaling his passive with Sorc Shoes is pretty reasonable.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by NunexTK

Só according to you shyvana ap is high quality gameplay. Ok

Just the most gameplay.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by FruitfulRogue

What about Leblanc? I feel like there has always been a slight capacity towards some sort of AD/AA-focused builds on LB.

I know there's actually been quite the audience for AD LeBlanc. I think it'd be cool to support it. Something like E provides on-hit damage to the target she's leashing, probably something else as well.

Honestly not sure overall. It's not something I've given much thought to.