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"13.19 is the Worlds patch.

We're looking at a few more of the champs that are a bit weak overall and a few nerfs.

Chatting about some of the notable changes...

Galio: Generally pretty weak and is countered particularly hard by some of the mid-range mages in the meta.

GP: We're happy with how he's back on Crit & he's no longer ceilinged by Pro, but he's trending a little weak overall

Jhin: Is pretty stable in lane still, but giving more of an ability to carry his leads through to a victory later in the game.

Lee Sin: Our buffs to him on 13.13 have been relatively ineffective and we overnerfed him quite a bit from his previous changes in 13.7.

Pyke: He's a bit weak and we'd like to buff him in ways that don't increase his frustration significantly (though with Pyke it's always a little difficult)

Syndra: We believe we've resolved a lot of the Elite/Pro skew on Syndra and have a bit more room to give her a small buff

Ziggs: Ziggs WR, esp in mid are a bit sad, especially for a champion who is relatively easy to play for most players. He also adds some flex value to the bot lane meta for Worlds.

Renekton: He's been the strongest top laner for a few patches and the Gore buffs pushed him over. Bringing him down a tad.

Rek'Sai: Similar tune for Rek'Sai. She's been the recipient of a few nerfs, but Stride was a pretty big buff for her.

Zeri: A small tap down to Zeri as she's been climbing up as one of the higher presence champions.

Randuins: Receiving a pretty significant buff, it is a pretty underpurchased item overall and aims to also be a good answer to Trist Mid double crit carry comps (especially), but has not been functioning well in that capacity.

Seekers: Also slightly undertuned, will be receiving a small buff.

As a reminder, some of the Pro staples that have been adjusted since 13.15 (Trist nerf, Akali buff, Ori buff, Gnar buff, Aatrox buff, Caitlyn buff, Kai'sa nerf, Rell nerf, Xayah nerf, etc.)

We're not nerfing Kaisa as she received a nerf to Shiv. For Pro, she received a nerf on 13.15 that hasn't been played on widely yet and though her AD build is performant, there are also new entrants to the meta since then that can match her." - https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1703909883672989905


>>> Champion Buffs <<<




Lee Sin - PBE

  • Base Armor increased 34 >>> 36

  • [W2] Iron Will Life Steal and Spell Vamp adjusted 5/10.5/16/21.5/27% >>> 10/14/18/22/26%


Nunu and Willump (AP Focused)


Syndra - PBE

  • [E] Scatter the Weak cooldown reduced 17 >>> 16 seconds

Twitch - PBE

  • [R] Spray and Pray auto attack missile speed increased 4000 >>> 5000


>>> Champion Nerfs <<<


Renekton - PBE

  • Magic Resistance reduced 32 >>> 28

Zeri - PBE

  • Base Move Speed reduced 335 >>> 330

>>> System Buffs <<<

Seeker's Armguard - PBE

  • Armor increased 15 >>> 20

Randuin's Omen - PBE

  • Cost reduced 3000 >>> 2700

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over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by nrj6490

Steve looks nervous as he hands Phreak the money

Wasn't my suggestion!

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by TropoMJ

Phreak says Azir at 75% presence is desirable, genuinely. They want him to be the most played mid.

Not quite. I said Azir is one of the more interesting mids for pro play and I'd rather Azir be #1 than Tristana or many other mages.

I did not give a target presence or that I want him to be the most played. Just that there's a sliding scale and he's one of the better fits.

over 1 year ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by fuskarn_35

is -5ms really a small nerf though?

Last time we did it was this year to Nidalee and it was a bit under 1%. Of course, Nidalee has Pounce, so she cares about her base MS a bit less than other champions.

But about 1% off is fine here.