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about 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by guiguipvn

can someone please elaborate what this jungle changes will acomplish?

The jungle changes are meant to reduce the effectiveness of avoiding farm and instead chasing kills as a means of keeping up in experience.

On live (13.3), a jungler who participates in kills while behind in XP by only one level will gain enough experience to out-level the enemy jungler who opts to farm instead. This made ganking (especially early) more effective a strategy than farming, even on the most farm-heavy junglers. The goal here is to reduce the total XP junglers get when they opt to influence lanes disproportionately more than their opposition.

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]


It is now beyond the first. So one level difference gives you 0 comeback XP when previously it would give you 16%

about 2 years ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by Zelenayasmert

Feel the speed!

It's Fast. It's Fun.

about 2 years ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Originally posted by DontFeedTheSmurf

The LP change is my favorite part of the patch notes. It just takes forever to rank up right now on the current system. Not to mention every season you drop an entire elo from gold to silver or whatever so you have to grind back up. And since they have mid season ranked resets now I think they are changing LP to get ahead of the problem


about 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by Gold-Appearance-4463

So support Annie is essentially unchanged. You can’t leave the best shield on such a short CD while she also has point and click or AOE hard cc.

The strengths you note about Annie support are meant to be her strengths. We are aiming to keep her shield potency similar to other enchanter's main shields (Lulu, Janna, Karma, etc), and reduce the "free" power she gets from the reflect when maxed.

As others had noted, the nerfs here plus the mana regen loss from support item should result in a decent nerf that brings her from clearly OP (54%+) to normal enchanter strength (51%-52%) if I'm not trolling yet again

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Jozoz

Crazy that duo queue had no MMR penalty.

That was removed in dynamic queue and only readded in this patch.

They've always had a penalty, we just determined it was a little lower than it should be.

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by ArachnidGood1990

A duo in a match has more of an advantage over the solo players in their match than they should right now, so we're making a change which should result in them being put in games with higher skilled players on both sides.

This f**ks over the soloq players though. Because if your team has 1 duo pair, and the enemy team has no duo pairs, you're basically guaranteed to lose the game since the enemy team will out-gap you.

Why are we punishing soloq players? This just makes it feel like an even bigger Losers Queue whatever soloq player gets matched on the team with the duo.

Right now in the scenario you're describing the duo has a small advantage, we're bringing it closer to 50/50 for both sides.

about 2 years ago - /u/Auberaun - Direct link

Originally posted by Jozoz

Thanks for the correction.

And it was definitely removed with 2016 Dynamic Queue. I remember that announcement very clearly.

It was probably just added back when solo queue was reinstated.

possible yes! that was before my time

about 2 years ago - /u/RiotRayYonggi - Direct link

Originally posted by HeavyNettle

Are there any current plans to help late game junglers and not just hurt early game? With all the resources taken out of jungle the last few seasons they haven’t been meta for years.

I know what you're saying and understand your perspective, but jungle is largely 0-sum. So nerfing spam-gank jungle strategy buffs farming by comparison, so we would want to see if the power levels between the different classes of junglers ends up where we'd like before we commit to even further jungle shake-ups.

about 2 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Tahm and radiant will be fixed in 13.5. Sorry it wasn't fixed in 13.4