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The game has changed so dramatically that it barely feels like the same game it was two weeks ago. I always have this sneaking feeling that essentially 4 dragons is gg, which makes toplane essentially meaningless. Baron now feels like an afterthought, and games rarely last longer than 30 minutes. I have played about 50 games (diamond elo) in the preseason and still have yet to see the Elder Drake.

To me, this is a massive drop in strategic and thoughtful gameplay, and feels very gimmicky, with wildly overpowered buffs that have little to no counterplay. You could have an even game for 25 minutes, and then one team secures a fourth drake and boom. its gg. This is not a good feeling for either team in my opinion, because the buff is so powerful that the game simply becomes unfair, unlike the old drakes, baron, and elder, which all had strengths yes, but were nowhere near the kind of buffs now in place.

I understand Riot's desire to shorten the average game, and maybe this is a good appeal to a newer or more casual playerbase, but for a long-time veteran of the game, this change is extremely undesirable. It is frustrating because it feels as though the rules of the game have changes so dramatically that it forces the hand of every player to just focus on drakes almost entirely.

Basically I am very unhappy with the preseason changes so far, unlike previous preseasons where I welcomed additions and changes to the game. This version of league makes me feel like I am playing a mini version of league where you can win just by getting 4 drakes and baron and toplane are kind of worthless.

Let me know if you agree, if not then why do you like the changes?

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over 5 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by Chess_Shark

i have not seen an elder in over 50 games because the game always ends at four drakes, which is exactly what my point was. i can link my op.gg if you want, but i dont think thats necessary

Can you DM me your Op.gg please?