Original Post — Direct link

"We're looking at jungle dive power and rewards for gank vs farm. There's more to do on Jungle, but we want to hit early gank power (esp for bot lane) in the short term. We're also getting 13.2 changes that couldn't make it in due to tech (overheal, multiplicative tenacity)."

"We're also taking down some outliers (Radiant and K'Sante), as well as some nerfs to Amumu and Zac, since they're still too strong now that Demonic is in a good spot.

We're also observing the effects of the GW, Fighter and Marksmen changes. Overall, they look good directionally"

"While we're waiting for Kayle resourcing, we're giving her a buff until then and a larger swing at Support Tanks to balance out Enchanter meta as well as some buffs to some struggling Jungle champs.

Finally, LB has been in a rough spot for a while so we're giving her a bump" - https://twitter.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1620239550139490306

>>> Champion Buffs <<<


Lee Sin

Kayn (Shadow Assassin)

Jarvan IV



Support Tanks - Phreak's Preview subject to change

  • Alistar

    • [P] Triumphant Roar changes:
      • Self-heal adjusted 23-142 >>> 5% max HP (about a 40% buff)
      • Ally heal adjusted 46-284 >>> 6% of Alistar's max HP (about a 15% nerf)
    • [Q] Pulverize buffs:
      • Mana cost reduced 55/60/65/70/75 >>> 50/55/60/65/70
      • AP ratio increased 50% >>> 70%
    • [W] Headbutt buffs:
      • Mana cost reduced 65/70/75/80/85 >>> 50/55/60/65/70
      • AP ratio increased 70% >>> 90%
    • [E] Trample buffs:
      • Mana cost reduced 50/60/70/80/90 >>> 50/55/60/65/70
      • AP ratio increased 40% >>> 70%
  • Braum

    • Base HP Regeneration increased 8.5 >>> 10
    • Base HP increased 610 >>> 640
    • [P] Concussive Blows target immunity breakpoints lowered 8/6/4 seconds (based on levels 1/7/13) >>> 8/6/4 seconds (based on levels 1/6/11)
    • [Q] Winter's Bite cooldown reduced 10/9/8/7/6 >>> 8/7.5/7/6.5/6 seconds
  • Nautilus

    • [P] Staggering Blow bonus damage increased 8-110 >>> 14-116 (based on level)
    • [W] Titan's Wrath buffs:
      • Mana cost reduced 80 >>> 60
      • Shield increased 40/50/60/70/80 >>> 50/60/70/80/90
    • [E] Riptide damage increased 55/85/115/145/175 (+30% AP) >>> 55/90/125/160/195 (+50% AP)
  • Pantheon

    • Base attack speed increased 0.644 >>> 0.658
    • [Q] Comet Spear buffs
      • Mana cost reduced 30 >>> 25
      • Cooldown reduced 13/11.75/10.5/9.25/8 >>> 11/10/9/8/7 seconds
  • Pyke

    • [Q] Bone Skewer AD ratio increased 60% >>> 100%
    • [E] Phantom Undertow damage increased 105/135/165/195/225 >>> 105/145/185/225/265
  • Rakan

    • [Q] Gleaming Quill buffs:
      • Damage increased 70/115/160/205/250 (+70% AP) >>> 70/125/180/235/290 (+90% AP)
      • Heal increased 30-115 >>> 40-210 (based on level)
    • [W] Battle Dance AP ratio increased 70% >>> 80%
  • Thresh

    • [P] Damnation AP and armor per stack increased 1 >>> 1.25
    • [Q] Death Sentence damage increased 100/140/180/220/260 (+50% AP) >>> 100/145/190/235/280 (+75% AP)
    • [W] Dark Passage cooldown adjusted 22/20.5/19/17.5/16 >>> 21/20/19/18/17 seconds
    • [E] Flay buffs:
      • Cooldown reduced 13/12.25/11.5/10.75/10 >>> 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds
      • AP ratio increased 40% >>> 60%

>>> Champion Nerfs <<<




>>> System Buffs <<<


  • Shield adjusted 10 + 9% max HP >>> 20-300 (based on level)

>>> System Nerfs <<<

Early Jungle Ganks

>>> System Adjustments <<<

Radiant Virtue - Phreak's Preview subject to change

  • Guiding Light changes:
    • Cooldown increased 60 >>> 90 seconds
    • Maximum HP increase increased 10% >>> 15%
    • Healing increased 8% max HP over 9 seconds >>> 15% max HP over 8 seconds
    • No longer provides AH or healing amplification
    • Activation changed from upon casting ultimate >>> Manual
    • Added Failsafe - Upon taking damage that reduces your HP to or below 15% max HP, automatically activates. This shares the cooldown of the manual activation.


  • Stacks multiplicatively

External link →
about 2 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

Originally posted by JTHousek1

I'm curious how many patches we will go through before they've "fully undone the durability patch" because we've gone through 16 patches so far and every single one there's comments that "this is the patch that will undo it" and yet the very next patch someone else says it again.

90 seconds to midnight doomsday clock lookin' vibes, boy who cried wolf yadda yadda

It'll always be said whenever theres a lot of buffs, but its a decent sentiment that we should keep in mind to try to not power-creep the game. That being said, if things truly got out of hand, theres nothing stopping us from just doing another durability update or something similar, its not like it was a one-time emergency thing we used up.