Well... After many seasons I have finally made it to Diamond. It feels great, but the journey was terrible.
I remember the first time I got Gold and the first time i got Plat. They all had their levels of toxicity and inting and everything else, but nothing compares to getting Diamond.
Once you get to P1/D4 elo... oh my goodness..
You have the high Plat kids that are trying their hardest to get to Diamond and will stop at nothing, even raging at their own teammates... I was never much of a rager, but I turned into one and I was not happy with myself.
You have the D4 0LP kids that have the "IDC I'm Diamond mentality" who will be REALLY good at one champion or even a couple, but will decide to play champs they are terrible at. I'll never forget the game where my D4 0LP ADC had 60%+ wr on a few ADCs and he chose to play his 27% wr Ezreal. I kindly asked in champ select why he didn't play insert champ with high wr and he responded with "idk." They got curb stomped. Shocker.
You have your smurfs that are just absolute Gods at the video game. Riot always seems to put them on the other team.
A lot of these people also like to give up after their first death. "gg. top lane done. /all mid open"
I guess you have these at all promo elos... but it just felt EXTRA bad getting Diamond.
What are your stories?
**EDIT: We reverse swept my promos. Surprisingly it was my first promos. But we started 0-2 and TL'd it. Went 3-0. I was so happy that I bought everyone on my team skins
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