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I'm not sure if most of the community is aware, but back in patch 7.9, Zac's kit fundamentally changed from it's original release. His passive and E remained the same, while his W had a minor damage change, and his Q and R were completely replaced.

Since that date, his Q has been buggged. The second part of his Q is an autoattack that should proc on anything Zac can autoattack, but it doesn't work on Illaoi tentacles, gangplank barrels, blue trinkets and many other objects.

And since they reverted his ult in patch 9.11, his ultimate has been bugged also. The fourth bounce sometimes does not do damage. In the skin spotlight for Empyrean Zac, we can cleary see it at timestamp 1:22.

Not sure if people were aware that it's been over 5 years that this champ has been bugged, because Zac is not the most commonly played champ.

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over 2 years ago - /u/GalaxySmash - Direct link

I'll take a look.