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Either that or she was always very good and LPL has garbage tier western outreach. Imagine having Frosk + Thoorin on LPL English cast trashing the losing LPL teams (If only that could have happened..wonder why..).

Ever since coming to EU and being part of the LEC, she has consistently become better and better every week. I was not the biggest fan of her pre LEC but god damn has she changed my mind.

She brings everything to the table. I love the synergy she has with Drakos on EUphoria. I how she meshes with the rest of the cast when they are trolling ON-AIR and her own cast has been very pleasant to listen too. f*ck, even the memes in twitch chat are funny (morally wrong ofc but if you cant laugh at it then you need to grow up). She brings something new and entertaining that I have missed from the broadcast ever since the Joe Miller and Deman days of LEC/LCS. Hope to see more of that in the future.

LEC is killing it right now, and Frosk without a doubt has been a huge part of it. Looking forward to the rest of the split. You guys brought a dead LEC fan back from the dead.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by a_very__bad_time

the broadcast is sorely missing a top tier analyst

getting Veteran would be amazing, guy knows EU very well

Out of genuine curiosity, what do you define as a top tier analyst? What is it in your eyes that differentiates them for other analysts?

over 5 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by Thiroxyne

Unpopular opinion : i really miss having a real analyst on the lec like krepo or deficio that could bring a lot of clarity to whats really happening on top lvl games . I mean the lec team is fun and stuff , but sometimes i really wish deficio didnt sign with origen

Hi there, out of curiosity, what do you define as a real analyst? What exactly is missing from current casting that you wish you had back?

Naturally I take some offense to this when my job is to be an analyst and I was trained by the guy many people love. So I'd really like to know where I'm going wrong.

over 5 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by a_very__bad_time

just high level game knowledge and being able to go very in depth on everything, mostly referring to deficio/krepo/amazing etc, all of whom had the benefit of being pro players at one point

why did x team do y, why did x happen, what should team 1 have done to win, etc..

fwiw you're by far the best caster/analyst on broadcast

So again, out of curiosity, would the example I've linked below be the level of depth you're looking for? I don't expect you to listen to the whole thing but find a random timestamp and give it a listen. I'd genuinely love to know if you're looking for more depth than the below example, so please don't interpret this as me being condescending or rude.


over 5 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by a_very__bad_time

I'd genuinely love to know if you're looking for more depth than the below example

from what I could tell skipping around a bit that seems very much like what (imo) should be the level of analysis on broadcast. Going more in-depth is not realistic and not something very many people would watch lol

It's hard to say what I miss but I definitely think Deficio/Krepo added another layer to the broadcast, same goes for Amazing more recently, I think he had a lot of opposing view points to the rest of the analysts which made it very enjoyable to watch

I think it's absolutely fine to miss Deficio and Krepo. They were amazing on air personalities and offered so much outside of just their analysis. You shouldn't feel bad for missing them, I guess on my end I just hope missing them doesn't bring others down. Thanks for the feedback. It's much appreciated!

over 5 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by saltytr

I also miss something similar as that guy. What I love most about the super knowledgeable guys is that they show how deep the strategy truly goes and how clever and beautiful some teamplays are. They open the masses eyes to how impressive a good team really is for example and can show why a team that makes no mistakes that are very obvious to even the higher levels of watchers just seem to get smashed.

An example would be something like this video:


So I hope you can appreciate that this is a pre produced content piece and this level of depth in a live environment is naturally harder to replicate. However, I do find value in what you're saying. I'll continue to better my understanding of the game in the hopes that fans like you can get the depth you're looking for without leaving the average viewer confused by what I'm saying.

over 5 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by Magic142

I'll continue to better my understanding of the game in the hopes that fans like you can get the depth you're looking for

Thats what makes you great. Casters like you and Papa have so much passion for the game, I love that. One thing I want to add since I see you really care for feedback. LEC has sometimes too much cringe and non serious moments, and I've seen in this thread people is a bit tired too of this. I know you guys said at the beggining of LEC you were doing the cringe moments on purpose to have fun and I love some of the moments, like the characters you pull off, Flexius is my fav one :), but when litreally every caster (apart from Quickshot maybe) wants to have this moments it becomes tiring and repetitive. Just my opinion.

So my biggest argument against this is that all cringe/comedy/random segments are specifically done in ready check, the first 30 minutes before the first game of the day. Outside of that, we rarely ever do anything comedic. Medic and I will take 10 seconds of your time to do a silly intro, but outside of that, the cast is always focused on the game, we do pregames focused on the match at hand, discussing the players strengths and weaknesses, and we have the post game lobby where we have discussions with player guests. The amount of actual content that you describe is little, so if we did less of it, there just wouldn't be any.

I think because it's so out there it stays with people, or that's the kind of content that gets cut out and put onto reddit, but the reality is its about 5% of our show.

over 5 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by cacafogo

Not OP and not necessarily to do with that comment, but my biggest problem with enjoying LEC right now is everything is dialed to 100 the entire time. I get that casters want to keep an audience excited and engaged but League ebbs and flows and the cast should too.

Do you have any examples where this is the case? I feel quite strongly that my colleagues only turn it up to 100 when the situation deserves it however I'm very open to being wrong here.

over 5 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by HerrPr0fess0r

I don't think the comedic skits are an issue. People just like to hate on "cringey" stuff because they don't have the balls to find it funny.

When it comes to your casting, as I mentioned above, I thing you are doing a great job when it comes to game knowledge, just try to tune down the bias a little bit imo...

Ah bias, a classic given to all casters. I can promise you that I have no bias for any team. Internationally, I naturally always want Europe to do well. However domestically, I do not care who wins. Happy to be shown any evidence you have of my apparent bias.

over 5 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by hansantizor

Imo just reading through these comments it almost seems like what makes a good analyst in most people's minds in someone who is not afraid to disagree and is able to voice their strong opinions, which is a characteristic I think many of the people being mentioned in this thread as "real analysts" have. I don't necessarily agree but I have to admit that it does make the broadcast more interesting when there is a sense of debate going around.

Also I feel as if the "top" analysts look at the game from a more deeper perspective. For example something like G2 has a great early game or Splyce likes to play for late is pretty obvious to anyone who watches. But something like G2 struggles early when they don't have Mikyx on an aggressive pick to get bot lane ahead early. That's probably not the best example since I'm obviously not an analyst myself but I hope you get what I'm going for lol.

And your statement is ultimately where the challenge lies. We on the broadcast often voice strong opinions and are not afraid to voice critical ones, you only have to listen to a vitality intro for something like that, but aside from that few people know what in-depth is. It's like people shout that they know they want something, you feel like you give it to them, then they shout back "No that's not it" and you just keep trying until it sticks.

Honestly I think fans on reddit just miss deficio and krepo, but equate their analysis to the thing missing rather than their amazing personalities. Don't get me wrong, they were great analysts, but I feel like more people will remember that time deficio got his butt slapped over the last thing deficio taught them about league. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the impression I get anyway.

over 5 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by hansantizor

Nah, I think you're absolutely right and I'd probably recommend you and the other casters not take anything too seriously you read on here. Thinking back to why I loved Deficio so much it's hard for me to recall anything other than loving his accent haha.

Other than having great personalities I think another big part of it is it's easy to have a couple small mistakes and/or undesirable quirks and near permanently be labeled as a lacking caster. Additionally if the replacement caster isn't as loved as the one being replaced, the complaints will naturally spread out to the entire team even if most people only have a grievance with that one person.

FWIW I think your casting is great and it's worth mentioning that of the several hundred thousands who watch LEC probably 99% of them don't have any problems with the level of analysis. I appreciate yours and Quickshots attempts to get good feedback on here, but I think you're probably better of just tuning out the noise. In terms of casting level most of you are probably in the high 90s percentile already, so even though the complains may seem to indicate a big issue it's mostly nitpicking at that last couple percent which aren't worth fixating over.

I still think that if enough people complain, even if only just a small percentage, it's an opportunity for growth. I may never be what deficio was, but I'd love to come close to as many fans as possible. So I'll keep working towards that!

Thanks for your replies and your comments. It was insightful and helpful!

over 5 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by bezzaboyo

Hi Vedius, you and Medic are the best things(?) to happen to the LEC in the last 2 years, please continue being awesome at your job :D one day I hope to travel to the LEC to watch you guys casting live!

It was difficult for me at first to adjust to the caster changes in both EU and NA as I had lots of nostalgia for Krepo/Deficio/Jatt but now that both regions have stepped up the broadcast quality significantly it feels like a new era of esports and I have settled into it quite nicely :D the kia casters ad that you guys did (the one where you're at the airport) really resonated with me on how I felt about LEC but I feel excited for the future rather than longing for the past. The whole broadcast team at LEC has enormous talent and I feel like any of the growing pains people have are just that and will go away with time. Just stay open to criticism, and have a thick skull to deflect the pointless comments, you guys will figure it out :D

I appreciate the comment! We'll keep working hard and doing our best <3

over 5 years ago - /u/Ovedius - Direct link

Originally posted by Cottreau3

I personally think you're doing fine. The issue with the broadcast as a whole is, you need multiple people that have different tiers of analysis.

Imo the ideal setup would be to have a low level analyst, that discusses the overarching pace of the game, so that the more laymen viewer can understand what's going on.

Then you would have the mid tier analyst, which is your wheelhouse, you know a lot about the game, more than 99% of the viewers and can approach the largest chunk of the audience with your analysis.

These two are present in LEC with people like you and Drakos, however what the LEC broadcast is lacking is the high tier analyst. The person who's focus is to go insanely in depth, professional level knowledge. Someone who could tell you the significance between placing a ward at 3:10 as opposed to 3:12, someone who can criticize a player for building the longsword in his phage before ruby crystal at a certain level because they understand the matchup that in depth. That was krepo, and deficio.

All in all it's not like you are doing something wrong, you're an integral part of the broadcast. Appealing to the largest audience and delivering information most experienced viewers can understand. The problem is that you aren't being properly complimented with someone who goes the extra mile in depth, all three levels are required, none are inherently good or bad, they just compliment each other well and losing one of any of the three listed above makes the broadcast feel empty.

Froskurrin tried to fill the high level analysis hole but overall her knowledge is significantly lacking when compared to deficio and krepo. I think that is the problem people are seeing.

This is a well thought out response and I respect it a lot. Thanks for your input, it's extremely valuable