Either that or she was always very good and LPL has garbage tier western outreach. Imagine having Frosk + Thoorin on LPL English cast trashing the losing LPL teams (If only that could have happened..wonder why..).
Ever since coming to EU and being part of the LEC, she has consistently become better and better every week. I was not the biggest fan of her pre LEC but god damn has she changed my mind.
She brings everything to the table. I love the synergy she has with Drakos on EUphoria. I how she meshes with the rest of the cast when they are trolling ON-AIR and her own cast has been very pleasant to listen too. f*ck, even the memes in twitch chat are funny (morally wrong ofc but if you cant laugh at it then you need to grow up). She brings something new and entertaining that I have missed from the broadcast ever since the Joe Miller and Deman days of LEC/LCS. Hope to see more of that in the future.
LEC is killing it right now, and Frosk without a doubt has been a huge part of it. Looking forward to the rest of the split. You guys brought a dead LEC fan back from the dead.
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