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about 8 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

Originally posted by Capt_Poro_Snax

I guess it's the Texas in me

This just feels like a contradiction to anything surprising you.

There are things that aren't surprising in Texas (a zebra walking across your high school campus), and there are things that are (a dude toking up on a public street).

These rules reverse if you're in Austin, though.

about 8 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

Originally posted by RampantGiraffe

I was gonna ask for the story on a zebra walking across your high school campus, but then I remembered being able to see elephants from the window in my high school once or twice and the surprise just kinda faded away.

It's not an interesting story. In Texas people with too much money and too-big ranches fill them with exotic animals (I remember reading there are more tigers in captivity in Texas than in the wild).

My school was in a rural area next to one of these richy-rich ranches. Sometimes a goat would wander over, sometimes an antelope or zebra.