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Hey guys !

I'm a 32 year-old guy, married, really serious about improving at League.

I'm in Iron 3 right now, playing Jungle (Trundle main).

I decided to do a 600 games marathon, during which I'll really try to improve as much as I can. If possible, I'd like to hit Gold during this marathon ! But the main goal is to maximize my learnings and my evolution as a player.

I'm planning to document the whole thing (written and video content), troughout the way.

You can consider this as a scientific experiment on "how to improve efficiently at League when you're not talented, do not have a lot of time and do not want to become a streamer, a coach or a pro player".

I think this kind of transparency on the average League experience is lacking : a lot of content is created by league "pros" (or aspiring pros) : streamers, pro players etc ...

I hope it will be encouraging to some of you at least.

If you want me to keep you posted about how the marathon is going, hit me up in the comments or send me a DM.

Cheers !

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over 1 year ago - /u/BarackProbama - Direct link

Good luck friend! Rooting for you and interested in the results.

over 1 year ago - /u/Tryndamere - Direct link

Love it!