Scarra doesn't even play the Gnar SMH.
Scarra doesn't even play the Gnar SMH.
my guess is that its not gonna be on PBE but it will be there on live server launch
Not quite. Ranked will come along slightly later once we're sure everything's stable. Could be 9.14, depends on how things go though.
When is TFT going to be on PBE?
Trying for tomorrow, depends on how bug testing/fixing today goes though.
Still working on a range of things. What feels particularly janky to you in these videos?
Each unit starts with zero mana, by autoing enemy or receiving dmg, they gain mana, once it hits 100%, they "ult". Like Ahri ult in this game is her Q, Darius also have his Q as ult, its different ability for each unit.
Some champions do start combat with more than 0 mana. Those units tend to cast once fairly quickly, and its more difficult to get them to cast a second time.
Just two basic things will make it look better.
1. Shadows for Champions.
- Permanently enabled hex grid.
Just those two things will make it look much better, imo.
EDIT: Interesting that in some other videos the champs do have shadows. Huh.
Yep. If you've got the settings on low shadows and other stuff gets disabled. Same as regular LoL.
Talking about hex grid as a toggle potentially.
Like for example Blitz that starts the round at 100% mana ?
Not quite, blitz is actually special because the Robot trait makes him start at full. There are other characters that start with more than 0 but less than full.