"Feats of Strength
We're still monitoring how the Feats minigame is to play and have been actively discussing mitigations for how coin-flippy the FB reward in particular feels to play
So far though, it's resulted in some interesting and fun early game objective focus, which has been exciting to play & watch and we hope to maintain
As a pre-emptive mitigation before all of that shakes out, we're taking down the power level of some of the outliers in the boots space
Triumphant Sorcerers are adding a bit too much free stats and some of the outlier T3 upgrades are being reduced in power level
So far, Ruinous Atakhan (petals reward) is showing up in ~75% of games which is feeling about appropriate, still some further tuning to do as we get more info on the patch
We're nerfing Bloody Petals a bit though as we think those are contributing a bit too much to overloading damage thresholds
This should help reduce the feeling of snowballing in the mid-game especially
So far, Swiftplay has launched pretty successfully, with not many heavy balance outliers.
We're hitting some of the obvious ones like Kayle and adjusting some of the other outliers too
Finally, Voracious Atakhan is showing up much too often in Swiftplay, so we're taking his rate down a bit
Thank you for playing and engaging with the new season, we hope these adjustments will make weekend play feel a lot better and we will be back with regularly scheduled Patch Preview on Monday.
See you on the Rift!"
Edit: Details are now in the notes - https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/patch-25-s1-1-notes/. Added them below. Patch is now live.
Phroxzon's Comments: https://x.com/RiotPhroxzon/status/1877882535805641183
"As mentioned previously, we are actively developing some changes to replace First Blood as a Feat, but will not be Live until 15.2 or 15.3 (TBD)."
>>> System Nerfs <<<
Armored Advance
Noxian Endurance nerfs:
- Base shield reduced 10-140 >>> 10-120 (based on levels 1-18)
- Cooldown increased 12 >>> 15 seconds
Blood Roses
- Blood Rose spawn rate from Gloom (Champion Deaths) slightly reduced
- Blood Rose spawn rate from Atakhan's Pit slightly reduced
Chainlaced Crushers
Noxian Persistence nerfs:
- Base shield reduced 10-140 >>> 10-120 (based on levels 1-18)
- Cooldown increased 12 >>> 15 seconds
Spellslinger's Shoes
- Magic Penetration reduced 19 >>> 18
- Magic Penetration reduced 10% >>> 8%
Triumphant Sorcerer's Shoes
- Magic Penetration reduced 16 >>> 14 (Bonus reduced 4 >>> 2)
- Move Speed reduced 75 >>> 70
>>> Swiftplay Champion Buffs <<<
HP per level increased 90 >>> 95
[E] Beat Drop damage increased 70/100/130/160/190 (+50% AP) >>> 70/105/140/175/210 (+60% AP)
[P] Doom 'n Gloom Gloom detonation AP ratio increased 25% >>> 40%
[W] Personal Space AP ratio increased 30% >>> 50%
[Q] Bouncing Bomb AP ratio increased 65% >>> 75%
[W] Satchel Charge cooldown reduced 20/18/16/14/12 >>> 18/16/14/12/10 seconds
>>> Swiftplay Champion Nerfs <<<
Jarvan IV
Armor per level reduced 5.2 >>> 4.7
[Q] Dragon Strike base damage increased 80/120/160/200/240 >>> 70/110/150/190/230
- Attack Damage reduced 2.5 >>> 2
Attack Speed per level reduced 1.5% >>> 1%
[W] Celestial Blessing base Move Speed reduced 24/28/32/36/40% >>> 24/26/28/30/32%
HP per level reduced 100 >>> 92
[R] Arcane Storm magic damage per tick reduced 65/105/145 (+45% AP) >>> 60/100/140 (+40% AP)
>>> Swiftplay System Adjustments <<<
Atakhan Form Frequency
- Ruinous Atakhan's thresholds adjusted so he appears more often in Swiftplay
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