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GGS Academy 3-1 TSM Academy

Player of the Series: Darshan

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TSMA | Leaguepedia | Liquipedia | Website | Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | Subreddit


Winner: TSM in 30m

Bans 1 Bans 2 G T D/B
GGS azir tristana irelia ezreal sivir 50.2k 3
TSM yuumi xayah karma kled camille 60.5k 11 C1 H2 M3 M4 B5 C6 B7
GGS 4-14-4 vs 14-4-34 TSM
Darshan renekton 1-3-1 TOP 1-2-6 aatrox Grig
Hard sejuani 1-2-1 JNG 4-0-7 sylas Akaadian
Palafox akali 0-3-0 MID 3-0-7 corki Ablazeolive
Keith sona 0-4-2 BOT 5-1-3 lucian Tactical
Olleh tahmkench 2-2-0 SUP 1-1-11 braum Treatz


Winner: GGS in 37m

Bans 1 Bans 2 G T D/B
TSM xayah tahmkench irelia jarvaniv azir 59.4k 1 I3 M5 M7
GGS sejuani yuumi sylas karma olaf 72.2k 11 H1 I2 B4 B6 B8 M9
TSM 7-13-17 vs 13-7-15 GGS
Grig kennen 0-6-2 TOP 3-3-3 aatrox Darshan
Akaadian skarner 2-5-4 JNG 2-1-4 elise Hard
Ablazeolive corki 5-1-1 MID 4-2-2 tristana Palafox
Tactical sivir 0-0-5 BOT 2-0-3 ezreal Keith
Treatz braum 0-1-5 SUP 2-1-3 alistar Olleh


Winner: GGS in 39m

Bans 1 Bans 2 G T D/B
GGS azir corki tristana sylas twistedfate 73.9k 10 H2 M4 C5 C6 B7 M8
TSM yuumi xayah sejuani skarner jarvaniv 65.0k 3 C1 M3
GGS 17-10-43 vs 10-17-20 TSM
Darshan aatrox 3-2-8 TOP 1-3-5 karma Grig
Hard elise 2-0-11 JNG 2-2-4 leesin Akaadian
Palafox irelia 5-5-4 MID 5-4-2 akali Ablazeolive
Keith sona 4-3-11 BOT 2-4-4 ezreal Tactical
Olleh tahmkench 3-0-9 SUP 0-4-5 braum Treatz


Winner: GGS in 26m

Bans 1 Bans 2 G T D/B
TSM xayah irelia tahmkench alistar rakan 40.4k 0
GGS sejuani aatrox yuumi akali corki 56.1k 11 I1 H2 C3 I4 B5
TSM 11-23-20 vs 23-11-45 GGS
Grig rumble 1-4-2 TOP 1-1-2 gnar Darshan
Akaadian sylas 3-7-3 JNG 1-2-17 jarvaniv Hard
Ablazeolive azir 2-4-5 MID 5-3-6 tristana Palafox
Tactical sivir 3-5-4 BOT 13-1-6 ezreal Keith
Treatz braum 2-3-6 SUP 3-4-14 karma Olleh

This thread was created by the Post-Match Team.

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over 5 years ago - /u/Pastrytime - Direct link

Originally posted by ClawViper7

They booted Brandini prematurely - otherwise they could have fielded their Spring roster. While Grig does not have a high skill ceiling, he does have a much higher skill floor than Akaadian and did smurf on Academy in Spring.

To be clear, Brandini was an eligible player for TSMA in playoffs, so they absolutely COULD have played him if they wanted.

Obviously I have no idea what the situation is, but they did choose to play Grig with Brandini 100% being a player they could've legally fielded in playoffs.

over 5 years ago - /u/Pastrytime - Direct link

Originally posted by gogogreeen

they could've played Brokenblade too right?

No actually!

Like LCS, Academy is locked to seven players in the post-season and Brokenblade was not one of the declared players on TSMA's roster.