over 3 years ago - /u/Koka-Noodles - Direct link

When a game goes past ~35 mins if my team isn't well ahead and playing as a team well idk what to do. If I engage the enemy team ( w,e,q,r) I just get melted and my team often won't pick up a single kill. My normal play is to babysit the adc or whoever is carrying in later game and engage for them but if that's not working I have no backup plan.

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over 3 years ago - /u/Koka-Noodles - Direct link

Originally posted by BlackKaiserDrake

Lockdown whoever is carrying their team. If your team isn’t focusing the threat then it’s on them and there’s nothing you can do except make a suggestion to focus who you engage.

Can you think of a non teamfight plan ? Can Leona lead a split push effort ? Sometimes I try focus on warding and vision to enable objective taking potential. I should have said I'm in bronze

over 3 years ago - /u/Koka-Noodles - Direct link

Originally posted by chanleii

If your in Bronze then play carry supports like Zyra/Brand/Swain. And no leona should never be splitpushing. You dont have good wave clear and no damage to threaten lethal on the person that comes to deal with you.

That's a idea, I love zyra in aram

over 3 years ago - /u/Koka-Noodles - Direct link

Originally posted by chanleii

If your in Bronze then play carry supports like Zyra/Brand/Swain. And no leona should never be splitpushing. You dont have good wave clear and no damage to threaten lethal on the person that comes to deal with you.


This has been working great , thanks for the advice