Finally, no more daily posts about Ornn not getting skins for at least the next year bless you Riot.
Finally, no more daily posts about Ornn not getting skins for at least the next year bless you Riot.
We got there fam
Super Cute Comic from OrnnMains
This was fantastic. Hang in there friends. :)
I saw it and thought the main reddit should enjoy the hugs. Thanks for all you hard work, I know the internet can be hard but keep smiling =D.
Very much appreciated. :)
shyvana kalista and quinn mains await their turn, and im glad to say i think it will be worth it from the quality of this patch's skins :)
Hope you enjoy their skins when they come around. Can’t always promise everyone will like what we make, but know that we do take constructive feedback seriously, and it won’t be 1000 days before they get another one. ;)