Source - Datamined from game
| All Champion's autoattacks will remain the same |
Champions' Ultimates ( Champ | Description ):
Aatrox: 1st Q, no second cast
Ahri: Q, no healing
Akali: Normal Q with no slow
Anivia: Normal R, with no slow
Ashe: Normal R, but randomly targeted
Aurelion Sol: Normal R, without knockback
Blitzcrank: Q, on furthest target
Brand: R, no passive involved
Braum: W, seems to apply to all damage instead of just projectiles
Cho'Gath: Q, without knockup
Darius: Normal Q
Draven: (Passive) Grants stacking bonus on-hit and attack speed
Elise: Human form E, then R's and gains 2 spiders
Evelynn: Normal R, but can only deal damage to 3 enemies
Fiora: W, but stuns 1 enemy closest to her
Gangplank: Passively makes barrels (like Illaoi tentacles) and detonates on cast
Garen: Normal E, but becomes immune to magic damage
Gnar: Transforms, then jumps to furthest enemy and R's
Graves: (Passive) Normal passive, without knockback
Karthus: Normal R but only to a number of random enemies
Kassadin: (Passive) Steals mana from enemies into a shield
Katarina: Normal R
Kayle: R, without the damage portion
Kennen: Normal R, with passive
Kha'Zix: Normal Q, with isolation
Kindred: R, without healing, and only for allies
Leona: R, no slow for enemies not in center
Lissandra: R target if above 50% HP, self-cast if not
Lucian: E, then passive attacks but 1st attack is AD and 2nd attack is SP (AP)
Lulu: Normal R
Miss Fortune: Normal R
Mordekaiser: Q, no bonus single target damage
Morgana: Normal R
Nidalee: Human W on herself and lowest ally, then R's
Pyke: E, but towards furthest enemy
Rek'Sai: Normal W, but becomes untargetable and heals
Rengar: Leaps to nearest enemy, and Q's
Sejuani: R, but stuns after delay instead of instant
Shen: W, but blocks all damage
Shyvana: R's away, and when in R attacks become ranged and burns
Tristana: E, but explodes after 4 attacks
Varus: Normal Q
Vayne: (Passive) Normal W
Veigar: R, but instakills if Veigar is higher level
Volibear: (Passive) Normal R
Warwick: R, but targets lowest enemy and stuns
Yasuo: Q, third cast grants tornado
Zed: Normal Q
BF Sword: AD
Bloodthirster: Lifesteal
Brawler's Glove: Wearer is also a Brawler (class)
Chain Vest: Armour
Cursed Blade: Low chance to reduce enemy's level by 1
Dragon's Claw: MR
Essence Reaver: Something mana related
Force of Nature: Increased team size
Frozen Heart: Normal aura
Hush: Chance to silence
Infinity Edge: Normal passive
Ionic Spark: When enemy casts a spell, they are damaged
Locket of the Iron Solari: Casts active when combat starts
Luden's Echo: All spells gain Luden's passive
Magic Dust: Stat Stick
Needlessly Large Rod: AP
Negatron Cloak: MR
Phantom Dancer: Dodges all crits
Rabadon's Deathcap: Normal passive
Rapid Firecannon: Attacks are undodgeable, double attack range
Recurve Bow: Attack Speed
Red Buff: Normal red buff but without slow
Redemption: Active, but only casts on death
Runnan's Hurricane: Normal passive
Seraph's Embrace: Restore mana per spell cast
Spear of Shojin: After ulting, gains mana per attack
Stattik Shiv: Every 3rd attack deals splash damage
Sword Breaker: Chance to disarm
Sword of the Divine: Chance to gain 100% crit every second
Tear of the Goddess: Something something mana
Thornmail: Passive but damage reflected is a percentage of damage taken
Titanic Hydra: Normal passive
Warmog's Armor: Normal passive
Wit's End: Attacks drain enemy's mana
Youmuus' Ghostblade: Wearer is also an Assassin (class)
Yuumi (she's an actual item): Wearer is also a Sorcerer (class)
Zeke's Herald: Aura that grants attack speed for allies
Zephyr: On start, banishes an enemy
Assassin: Amplified crit damage
Blademaster: Chance to strike twice, higher tiers can strike thrice
Brawler: Bonus max HP
Demon: Chance to take all of enemy's mana and convert it to true damage
Dragon: Immunity to magic damage
Elementalist: On start, summon a Lesser Elemental. Higher tiers summon a Greater Elemental
Exile: If alone, gain percentage of max HP as shield
Glacial: Chance to stun
Guardian: On start, Guardians and nearby allies recieve armour
Gunslinger: Chance to fire multiple attacks, higher tiers attack all enemies in range
Imperial: A single Imperial deals double damage, higher tiers enable all Imperials to deal double damage
Knight: Blocks AA damage
Ninja: If 1 or 4 active, gain percentage AD
Noble: Grant armour and health per attack to random ally, higher tiers enable this to be active for all allies
Phantom: Curse random enemy, setting their HP to a number
Pirate: Earn up to 4 extra gold per combat vs player
Ranger: Chance to double attack speed
Robot: Start combat at full mana
Shapeshifter: Bonus max HP when transforming
Sorcerer: Allies gain increased spell damage
Void: All AA's ignore percentage of armour
Wild: Generate fury stacks. Fury stacks grant % ATKSPD to all Wild allies, higher tiers allow all allies to benefit
Yordle: Attacks against Yordles have a chance to miss
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