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Riot Phroxzon tweeted:

Overall: Our early indications of how 13.20 has landed have been pretty positive! Players have been appreciating the slower paced games, better fight pacing and reduced snowball out of the early game. Game time is up about a minute and back to where it was in ~Season 7-8. Snowballing is around the lowest level it has been in around 5 years.

Jungle: Jungle changes have landed reasonably well overall. We think this helps reward junglers who are more efficient and we've been happy with seeing some of the initial movement on the balance of ganking and farming (Smite changes moved a lot here)

However, the within-role champion balance is off. Some tanks are too strong and a lot of AD champions are too weak.

We're looking to return the AD ratio to the pet damage and do some more changes to the healing (to move some more back to flat values)

The jury is still out on whether the power of the role is in the right spot and we'll continue to monitor over the next few days for whatever followup adjustments are needed.

K'Sante: K'Sante shows some initial promising skew movement being better for average players and worse for Pros. We're fixing a bunch of the bugs that have shown up, buffing him up a bit and we're continuing to monitor the feedback here.

Rammus: He's just too strong with his heavy synergies with the resist buffs on the pet. Taking him down some.

Kha'Zix, Bel'Veth, Hecarim, Master Yi: These 4 junglers were disproportionately hurt by some of the changes; a mix of objective value going down AD ratio removal from the pet, Blue pet nerf for Hec. Bel'Veth had additional movement from a set of direct changes. Looking to bring each up by some amount in addition to reverting the pet AD ratio nerf.

Other Junglers: Tank junglers have moved up quite a bit, which is unsurprising. They'll go back down by some amount after the pet AD ratio is restored and we'll continue to monitor them after this.

Le'Blanc: After the whole Shiv saga is over and done with, she's landed quite a lot weaker, so we're buffing her back up

Aurelion Sol: Scaling champions as a whole are a bunch stronger this patch and ASol is one of the biggest movers. We're tapping him down some as a result.

Briar: Briar has the sharpest mastery curves I've ever seen working on League, and it's not close 😅. People are getting to this point in the curve more reliably and so we're taking her down some.

Caitlyn: Lethality Cait has been pretty popular amongst higher ranked players for a long time. It's now getting to the point where it's creeping into being her most powerful and popular builds. Lethality Cait doesn't have the greatest gameplay; it's OK for her to have this build, but it shouldn't be close to being the best way for her to play.

Dr Mundo: Durability style patches tend to benefit Mundo and this patch was no exception. Tapping him down some.

Jinx: While we want Jinx to have some amount of "crazy, unleashed" feeling and having pop offs if she gets lots of takedowns near the enemy base as it gives her a unique thing from the roster (T1 Guma anyone?!), this patch has gone a bit far. We're toning this aspect down, but we still want this to be a strength of hers.

Runes: We're taking First Strike down a bit more than it was before (benefits disproportionately from longer games) and Phase Rush is a bit strong after we've seen the other rune changes play out.

Hullbreaker: Finally, we think Hullbreaker is too sharp of an output and are looking to soften its outputs a bit, while still keeping the item ~similarly powerful







Master Yi

Morgana (jungle)

Tahp Kench (Tahm Kench Top)



Aurelion Sol


Caitlyn (Lethality)

Dr. Mundo




Brungle (Brand Jungle)

Supportaphine (Seraphine Support)

Zungle (Zyra Jungle)


First Strike

Phase Rush



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over 1 year ago - /u/RiotAugust - Direct link

Originally posted by RanaDelLey

yeah, it's august's turn now.

Challenger here I come