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about 5 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by StunningPlatypus7

The thing is, they never really address any big issues in the game in these posts. It's not really the function of these posts to announce big changes though - It's "quick gameplay thoughts" not "here's the AP bruiser rework guys"/"jungle is OP again guys" type of stuff, we would at best see a small footnote about them in posts like this.

Pretty much. Big announcements we'll do through more formal and polished approaches like Dev Videos, Nexus articles, Riot Pls etc. My hope with these posts is to cover things that we don't get to in those places, or to provide additional context/rationale on things we do cover there that some people want to dig deeper into.

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by DoubleGio

Quick check here - is it lack of SR discussion/balance changes that gives you that reaction or are there other topics you also wish were being covered here?

about 5 years ago - /u/RiotMeddler - Direct link

Originally posted by ChuzCuenca

So there is no chance of getting AP Brusier items this year?

I'm assuming formally introducing AP Brusiers requires a lot of work in the hole AP ecosystem so I'm not surprised if this is delayed until the next preseason.

Any large AP bruiser item work would likely be a preseason project yeah. Smaller stuff's possible, though don't want to guarantee anything in that regard either given we're still in the planning stages for longer term work for the year.