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This post references the recent Dev article "Quick Gameplay Thoughts 12/3: Event Mission Points" and the most recent Worlds 2021 Event Pass and missions.

TL;DR: scroll down to results table and conclusions.

The purpose of this post is to compare the current and new progression systems only for ARAM and SR game modes. Unfortunately, I do not have any experience/data for alternative farming methods such as TFT or Co-op vs AI. I am also not very good at maths so this is fairly basic simulation and analysis.

The dev article states that the goals of the changes are to normalize the progression across game modes and to reduce the progression variance between games. To achieve these goals, the progression mechanics that until now reward games played will instead reward time played. The conversion of games to game time is 30 minutes PvP Summoner's Rift per game.

All new missions earn points at a rate of 4 per in-game minute if loss, 6 per in-game minute if win, at same rate for ARAM and SR. For minutes played, I will have numbers for both rounding nearest, e.g. 4.6 min -> 5 min, and also rounding down, e.g. 4.6 min -> 4 min.

The exact changes detailed in the dev post are:

  • Weekly Missions: (Old) 40 points, 5 per win, 2 per loss -> (New) 1650 points
  • Orb Missions: (Old) 30 games -> (New) 4500 points
  • Token Earning Rate: (Old) SR 10 win 5 loss, ARAM 6 win 3 loss -> (New) 400 points = 20 tokens

I simulated the average amount of games required to complete the three mission types above in the old and new systems.

I am simulating win rate with a random function in [0, 1) with [0, wr) = win, [wr, 1) = loss. For this analysis, I am testing wr = 0.5 and 0.55, i.e. 50% and 55% win rates.

For game time, I am using an average game time of 30 minutes for Summoner's Rift, 20 minutes for ARAM. The game times are uniformly distributed by a random inclusive integer function in [0.5 * avg * 60, 1.5 * avg * 60] for a random game time in seconds, then converted to minutes and rounded. This means for Summoner's Rift games the game time is [15, 45] minutes 30 average, and for ARAM games the game time is [10, 30] minutes 20 average. The distribution and range of game times are both assumptions. I do not know the distribution of game times and that would factor into the average games required per mission since the points system wastes excess points. I am also not smart enough to foresee how much this limitation matters for my results.

All points based missions in League of Legends thus far do not bank excess points. For example, if you are at 39/40 points for a weekly mission, you will either waste 1 or 4 points to complete it, by getting 2 points for a loss or 5 points for a win. I am assuming that the new system works in the same way.

To simulate completing an old 40 points weekly mission, I have a function that returns the number of games it takes to reach 40 or more points, adding 2 points + 3 points for a win per game.

To simulate the new points per game-time missions, I have a function that generates a game length as described above, then multiplies that with the point rates for a randomly generated win or loss, sums the points earned, and this process loops until the total points are at least the amount required for the mission.

For the new tokens mission, it is completing a 400 points mission as above to get the average number of games required for the mission, then 20 divided by that number to get the expected value of tokens per game.

All results are averages of 25 000 000 simulations each. I guessed how many significant digits to leave. It is not mathematically perfect results due to pseudo-random noise but close.


Mission type 50% wr, time rounded nearest 50% wr, time rounded down 55% wr, time rounded nearest 55% wr, time roundeded down
Old Weekly 11.8740 games 11.8744 games 11.4027 games 11.4024 games
New Weekly SR 11.5537 games 11.7410 games 11.3372 games 11.5211 games
New Weekly ARAM 17.0464 games 17.4710 games 16.7225 games 17.1383 games
Old Orb 30 games 30 games 30 games 30 games
New Orb SR 30.5485 games 31.0584 games 29.9595 games 30.4583 games
New Orb ARAM 45.5349 games 46.6893 games 44.6517 games 45.7830 games
Old Token Expected SR 7.5012 tokens 7.5006 tokens 7.7506 tokens 7.7510 tokens
New Token Expected SR 6.2062 tokens 6.1176 tokens 6.3096 tokens 6.2201 tokens
Old Token Expected ARAM 4.4998 tokens 4.5002 tokens 4.6504 tokens 4.6500 tokens
New Token Expected ARAM 4.3945 tokens 4.2959 tokens 4.4724 tokens 4.3724 tokens

Note that 55% win rate could be unrealistic and is here for interest only.

The main conclusions from these results are

  • ARAM mission progress nerfed significantly as intended
  • Token earning rates nerfed, significantly for SR, but not mentioned in dev post
  • Progress could be nerfed slightly more if game time counted rounding down
  • Weekly Mission will be faster for SR only players

Also, not part of my analysis, but I believe it is true that as devs stated, there will be less pain from long losses. However, also less satisfaction from quick wins.

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about 3 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Great post and analysis! I honestly want to say we DO want the event tokens to be the same progression rate as before.

I know that players of reddit don't believe me when I say this, but the event changes are NOT designed to stealth Nerf token gains. If it turns out earning rates are worse off for legitimate players, we will absolutely adjust!

Follow-up question: if you run your simulation again with 600 points for the token bank and 30 tokens per payout, what results do you get?

about 3 years ago - /u/Rovient - Direct link

Originally posted by averagekid18

I like how he never responded to your rebuttal.

Was asleep.

about 3 years ago - /u/Ken_Adams_NSA - Direct link

Originally posted by Feukorv

If token gain indeed nerfed (yet another time) this might be my last battle pass/event I'm buying for league. It was a chore as it is where I had to play every single day for couple of hours for a month. I just don't have enough time/energy to grind that much.

I’ll reiterate that the goal of these changes is not to nerf the experience of earning tokens in Event Passes. All of our internal simulations on actual player data during events (across all modes) showed that this change would leave most players with either the exact same or slightly better earn rates for tokens.

For full transparency, TFT AFK farming will be hit substantially, which is intended. We don’t want people feeling like they have to play other modes in a suboptimal way to progress our passes. Data shows that this is a very small number of people, but we want to discourage the behavior entirely.

Without getting into too much detail, after Night / Dawn 2019 (and post Dark Star 2020 revert), the rate at which players earn tokens is substantially higher thanks to the change to weekly wins (instead of dailies) and an overall small increase in net token earn rate. Some players may still feel like that wasn’t enough, but all of the data points to players getting to 2000+ tokens much faster after that event, and we are happy with that tuning for the most part.

For the broader discussions at hand here: Event Pass earn rates have only gotten easier since Dec 2019, and this change is not intended to nerf anyone’s progress beyond those intentionally doing AFK token farming to do so. As is always the case, if we see these numbers resulting in an unexpected nerf because player behavior changes or something unexpected happens, we will improve it to bring it in line with the progression rate players have come to expect with passes.