It's always interesting hearing where people get their summoner names. What's the story behind yours?
External link →It's always interesting hearing where people get their summoner names. What's the story behind yours?
External link →Summoner name: Absolute Joeker.
Name irl = Joe. The Joker is pretty badass so that was where it started but sadly Joeker/TheJoeker were both taken so I sought out alternatives.
Edit: What about you Mr BoatStuff??
DCVR (Deciever). I'm allergic to vowels.
m llrgc 2 vwls
I Like Bob Ross but I like darker art and spooky stuff so DarkBobRoss made sense
Happy little accidents...
I dont think I want to explain this one.
Seems like it explains itself.
Well, I've always been interested in boat stuff thus my ign "Riot Boat Stuff"
I just added an "S" at the end of the nick my father used in games we played together.
That's awesome! I'm the only person in my family who plays games, but I wonder what nick my dad would have used...
Took my 2 favorite things as a kid and combined them. Pokémon and Dinosaurs
What's your favorite Gen1 starter?
IGN: More Sprinkles
My younger sister would say it all the time while helping our mom bake, and I just thought it was funny.
Real talk though, did she end up getting more sprinkles?
Summoner Name: Hi I like Food
Because, hi... I like Food
Hey, I like food too! What's your favorite thing to eat right now?
Huge Pokemon fan, and Squirtle has always been my absolute favorite. So SquirtleSquad was easy, but then I decided to incorporate my favorite number jersey number (14), which I wear in hockey as well. It represented two of my favorite hockey players growing up, Alex Burrows and Brendan Shannahan. So I got Squ1rtleSqu4d.
ಠ_ಠ I think I'm with /u/Squ1rtleSqu4d on this one
Summoner name: Hail Teemo. It came out of devotion for our dark lord. Praise be!
The spawn of Satan himself, clearly worthy of our worship.
Summoner name: catennator
I was 9 and was making a username. I like cats and I though a cat terminator sounded cool. But catinator was taken, so I just keep messing with the spelling until I got something unique. Been using it ever since.
Keep putting stuff together like that and you'll be the concatenater.
My actual name: Shuriman Toph I love taliyah and toph is my favourite character from Avatar
Toph OP. Have you watched Legend of Korra?
IGN is Dave the First - my name is Dave, and I named my first son after me, but instead of naming him Dave Jr, we named him Dave II. So I jokingly would call myself King Dave I, and it turns out Dave the First is generally available for IGNs in different games. Added bonus: there's usually entertainment if another Dave is in champ select with me or on the other team. It's either something like, "Of course I yield to the first Dave!" or "I challenge you for your title, sir!" or something fun like that.
Good luck when Dave II decides to take the throne...
It's a variation of getrekt and rick So when I kill someone I can say getricked
My friends from high school and I are in the breakfast club. We all have breakfast related names. Mine is MasterMarmalade. Nothing to do with the movie breakfast club, we just like breakfast foods.
Anyone nab PopTart?
My friends and I were playing really late one night and talking about Guy Fieri. Then he thought of Guy Confetti and I became Guy Spaghetti
Diners, Drive-Ins, and Tower Dives
I originally only played jungles where I could build righteous glory on and thus the fast boii was born
Had a friend who had the same exact name as my current one. He suddenly disappeared and I never saw him again (didn't have any of his contact information or whatever). After a couple of years, I decided to take his name so that I wouldn't forget him. Whenever someone asks me about my name, I mention him. I do wish I could talk to him again.
I always enjoy the sentimental stories. One of my main online handles (not BoatStuff) was given to me by my best friend who passed away 13 years ago. I cherish it and think of him every time I log in.
I hope you get to talk to your friend again some day.
PogChampion and Jayce Vaynetura, they should both be pretty obvious where they came from
Jayce Vaynetura: Pet Detective
Gotta hide from Big Brother
IchStudierBtches which is roughly the german version of "I study btches" and a line from a really crappy german rap song
Ich liebe dich
I coined it.
Are you sure you don’t mean “coin edit”?
Me ferg
Me BoatStuff
Neekolas, my name is Nicolas and I don't even lilke playing Neeko
1JellyDonut. because I love jelly donuts, but really can only have 1 at a time.
The power of two jelly donuts is just too much to handle, I understand.
mashed my keyboard until i got something i could sort of pronounce (aezruij) --> (aezru)
Hopefully you don't need to re-mash it every time you log in.
Summoner: Starƒox
Starfox64 was one of my favorite games growing up, so I chose to rep it. Works great that Ahri is my favorite AP champ too haha.
i made my nickname years ago when i was playing pump it up ( a korean dance simulator game similar to dance dance revolution) in that times the bulletin board forums system were really popular so when i tried to register i need to think on a username.
Meanwhile i was thinking on my username i was playing Legend of Zelda Majora Mask N64 on the Gilded Sword Sub-Quest .
Since i was a little boy by that time (14-15 years old) i ending up with Gildedboy, by my 18 years old i remove the "boy" and just leave on Gilded
(later i found that Gilded is not an nickname for a sword but just an object being covered with Gold)
by my 18 years old i remove the "boy" and just leave on Gilded
No "GildedMan"?
My summoner name literally means Crow Crow. (Corvus Cuervo) I just combined the Latin and Spanish words for crow (the bird), then BAYUM! It sounded bad@ss to me at first, but then I realized it was just the same word twice. :/
(Also I tried to main Anivia as my first champion. :P. Didn't go ideally. but I gave it a shot.)
My actual nickname is donkey. Because of my penis. So When I was in high school I would hit people with my Penis when they were not expecting it. That’s the fearda part.
My actual nickname is donkey. Because of my penis.
...I'm not sure if I follow.
And since I didn't see your original edit:
comes from the fact my wife races boats, like these
My favourite champ! So happy I got the name Draven!
loltyler1 wants to know your location
my summoner name is dino nuggets and it comes from my love of the dino nuggets
No chicken tendies?
I used to be boyscout. Even if it's not really allowed anymore in my country, the elders sometime give you an animal name after some nightly trial. Mine is thylogale.
So I use some variations of it for my IGNs.
I was in (the now defunct) Indian Guides when I was younger. My name was Running Turtle, maybe I should switch to that.