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I've just recently been getting into this game and getting the grasp of how all of the things work, and I've been wanting to play with my friends (who are all bronze or silver) for a while. I played a game of draft with them today and decided to play orianna, and I ended up laning against an Ahri. All of the enemy team are also bronze and silver so I know that I'm about to get my ass handed to me. Game continues, we lose, but then afterwards, instead of getting called out by the other team for being sh*t like I expected, they all realized i was super low lvl and new to the game and were being super helpful and giving me tips, and the Ahri actually turned out to be an orianna main and added me and gave me a bunch of tips on how to play her. Overall the whole enemy team was super helpful and did the exact opposite of what I've been told they'd do. This is actually pretty typical when I play against or with people who are a lot higher than I am, despite that everyone says this community is the most toxic, so I'm really not believing it.

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over 7 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

Originally posted by barcodetilter

In my experience people still usually just honor the best player

that explains why I get so many honors

over 7 years ago - /u/Tummers - Direct link

Originally posted by Negative_Neo

Oh man make her play VII or X, the story so amazing, or well you can skip VII and wait for the remake.

Also you are making me want to play XIV, maybe I should download it and try getting into it.

PERSONALLY I think VII has some hardcore nostalgia glasses and is a real mess.

BUT maybe she'll choose that one next :)