Maybe I have been following competitive LoL for a long time, but I distinctly remember the 2013 to 2017 period as the ABSOLUTE WORST period for spectators if you were not a Korean fan.
Korea wins Worlds 5 years in a row with 0 opposition.
Any teams but Korean teams had 0 chance. The meta was basically everything is warded all the time, you cannot gank any lane because taking a kill in a lane means that you lose an objective on the other (and there are no plates).
Some games were 30+ minutes snoozefests were FIRST BLOOD HAPPENED AFTER THE FIRST BARON.
For people who just started playing, let that sink it.
I can't feel sorry for SKT. They have won 3 World Championships.
I'm honestly fine with them never winning one again. All "good" things come to an end, that goes for the SKT dominance too.
And thank god for that ; because it would be way too boring.
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