This is a prototype and nothing in there is set on stone. This is a static page of an example. I still didn't work on the logic, and depending on the reception of the idea, I will either realize the idea or not. If you have any ideas that you want to share, I would love to hear them. The slider is for CDr from 0-40 or 5-45 that is supposed to do the math after you adjust it and give the new CDs. I have already talked to the rioters who are responsible for the API that I will be consuming to generate this, and they said that as long as I don't track the CDs and the user is required to check for those cooldowns, it should be fine.
The idea behind it:
A quality that a good player has is how much information they are extracting and make use of. A good example would be Faker's famous F-keys spamming to understand the position of his teammates and act accordingly. Another one is Doinb's Flash timer spamming in chat to let his team know of a potential play. They are making judgments according to these bits of information.
How many times did you play vs a Nocturne and was afraid of being targeted by his Ultimate when he's not shown in your mini-map? You would play defensively until he gets spotted. He used his Ultimate and you started to play aggressively because you know it's on CD, after a couple of waves, you chipped the enemy laner and want to do a dive and you are thinking of calling the jungler for a dive, but you got scared that nuctorn's R is off CD and he can counter the dive. You make your own judgments depending on hard estimates and thus deviates you further from making a sound judgment that you can take.
Asking for someone to memorize of CDs and do the math with CDr would sound ridiculous, but that's not necessary needed to up your game. Let's take examples:
Abilities CD difference: Blitzcrank vs Morgana The annoying part in this matchup as a Blitz player is Morgana's E (Shield) which denies his Q which makes blitz look for roaming mid or playing passive. If you take a closer look at the CDs of these 2 abilities you will see that Blitz Q is 20/19/18/17/16 where Morgana's E is 26/24/22/20/18. There're 6 seconds difference between both abilities. That's not much of a difference, but now you know that if morgana used her E to negate your Q, you have 6 seconds window after your Q is off CD. If you want to take it even further, you can try to bait his Q(binding) before your Q goes off CD by few seconds to make your engage easier. You can also take advantage of player's hard estimate and bluff about your Q being off CD and try to engage to bait his Q(binding) when he is in state of panic.
A more general example would be ultimates like Liss vs Fizz where Liss R 120/100/80 & Fizz's 100/85/70 where if you were a Fizz player and Liss counters your R by her's, you will know that you got 20 second window until her's is up. On the other hand, if you were Liss, you will know that you will have to play defensively when your R is 20 on CD.
Global ultimates CD is a crucial information that would influence your play style also, so knowing that Nuct R is 2:30 minutes at first rank and that minion waves spawn every 30 seconds would let you know that you got 4-5 waves until it goes off CD.
It's up to you on how you want to make use of this information. It can be having a clearer idea of the poke window until a key ability is off CD or the time until they can flee using another key ability, etc.
Edit: Thank you for your responses. I will start working on it and let's hope for the best. There are some extra fancy things that I will also adding such as indicating abilities that get reduced by a certain event Olaf's E whilst basic attacking, or Lucian's E whilst using his passive. I am also thinking of adding a CDr for Ultimates only, because it can be affected by cloud dragon & Ultimate Hunter rune, but UI design isn't one of my forte, so it will take sometime and if you could think of something, I would love to hear it. I will add them as I go through this, and if you have any idea that you want to share, please do.
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