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Can yasuo haters explain with valid arguments why do they hate yasuo players? Why do you act differently towards them? I, myself, am a Yasuo main (low elo). You can't imagine the struggles yasuo mains have. I get into ranked and declare yasuo while my position is top and this dude goes: "yasuo top? no thanks", proceeds to ban yasuo while I did not say anything, all I did is that I declared my champion just like everyone else. You may think this was once in 20 games, no, this happens every other game, while every third game I get autofilled or my champion gets banned/picked by the opposite team. Another "storytime", I get into the game, everything is good, no toxicity pregame, its chill, until I go top and wait for the minions, my teammate goes: "guys dont play agressive if you want ganks", I thought nothing of it but suddenly I get this strange feeling like that was meant for me, so I ask: "haha are you indirectly saying that to me?" and this dude really said yes. Like why does noone trust yasuo players? Almost every pregame I get the "yas dont feed", why are you saying that just to me, I'm not the only one who can feed. And I really don't get why people ban yasuo even when they see that I want to play him, you are ruining my game, my mood. I just hop on to have fun and then your teammates ban your champ.

EDIT: My bad, I meant why do you hate yasuo players as your teammates.

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over 4 years ago - /u/Blaustoise - Direct link

I play yasuo and I myself for it