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For those unaware Yone's Q and W cooldowns scale off of his attack speed.

At level 1 Yone's Q cooldown is 4 seconds with lethal tempo stacked it's 2.13 seconds

At level 1 his W has a 16 second cooldown with lethal tempo stacked it's 8.51 seconds

The same goes for Yasuo, his Q cooldown goes from 4 to 2.13 seconds after stacking lethal tempo.

But here's the crazy part these cooldowns are without the 10% attack speed shard from runes that every Yone and Yasuo take every game.

With that shard:

At level 1 Yone and Yasuo's Q cooldown goes from 4 to 3.69 and then with lethal tempo stacked it goes to 1.82 seconds

At level 1 Yone's W cooldown goes from 16 to 15.04 and with lethal tempo stacked it goes down to 7.55 seconds

And at level 2 which is when you Take W on Yone the cooldown is 14.51 and with lethal tempo 7.02 seconds

Dealing with Yone top lane is nothing short of a nightmare right now the champ is legit playing URF while everyone is playing the normal version of the game...

Imagine if they allowed Garen's E spins to scale with the attack speed from lethal tempo...

I know Riot likes to play favorites towards certain champs but this is ridiculous.

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about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Naerlyn

No, this is specifically a Krakenslayer bug that isn't related to Pantheon.

Bring It Down stacks and triggers its effect on-hit instead of on-attack from basic attacks that do not utilize a projectile.

So, for instance, Pantheon's W treats it as being on-hit, and Viego's Q-passive treats it as being on-hit, when neither should, and that's why the incorrect number of stacks is granted in both cases.

Pantheon's W behaves normally and consistently as is, there's just an item that's bugged by itself, and that bug has nothing to do with Pantheon. And if anything, Pantheon's W works consistently for the bugged version of the item.

AFAIK Kraken Slayer's interaction here is intentional: it's meant to be functionally on-hit for melee champions and on-attack for ranged as a melee/ranged balancing lever.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by RedditIsTooEasy

shieldbow followed by ldr and u have the best tank slayer at 2 items.

Imagine building LDR on Yasuo, though. Like I thought Yasuo players weren't very smart (trust me, I am one) but that's a whole new level of just giving up on rational thinking.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by axolotl_the_idiot

Also don’t forget that he has 3 dashes, 2 cc abilities, shield and percent dmg based on enemies hp(if that wasn’t changed), straight up zed ultimate but with true dmg, his ult makes you stand still even if you unstoppable, decent early game good mid game and late game. I hope I haven’t missed anything

FWIW Zed ultimate is also the "same amount" of true damage.

Both abilities only pass through resistances once. In Zed's case, I believe it stores all the damage pre-mitigation, then passes it through armor for the pop, and for Yone's case it passes it though post-mitigation, and so it's already gone through armor/mr for the pop.

TBH just to make players feel better about it, all abilities should probably work Zed's way because of posts like this. I'm legit not flaming you. It's just not really that intuitive. But they're functionally identical except for generating posts like this.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

FWIW the winrate difference for LT vs. Conqueror on Yasuo mid is 0.2%. For Yone mid it's a small but more meaningful 0.9%. Though in both cases, Fleet Footwork is +/- 0.1%, so we're pretty much just within variance and it's not like LT is completely warping these champions' power levels.

That said, the numbers shift more toward LT for top lane where auto attack trades are much freer but that's also the less popular role for both champions.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by Need2Sleep23_

So, does that mean the sample size for top yas/yone is still to small to justify adjustments?

Idk that’s be up to the designers ultimately. I know they don’t like choices being choked out but they’re also ok with players finding new tools and feeling excited to use them.

For reference, Hail of Blades kinda breaks the expectations around Q cooldowns since it’s instantaneous. 6stacking LT still takes 5+ seconds of combat and only your 3rd or 4th Q really benefits from the CD change that much.

Personally that feels palatable on a combat design perspective. At that point it’s just about winrate and choice comparison.

about 3 years ago - /u/PhreakRiot - Direct link

Originally posted by CornFGC

This is why you don't take winrates serious

Yeah because unlike what you feel it actually measures who wins the game. How dare you let any evidence contradict your very scientific intuition.